10-Year-Old Girl Named “Miracle” Hailed A Hero As She Helped Her Mom Deliver Her Baby Sister At Home

A 10-year-old girl named Miracle was able to live up to her name when she helped her mom give birth.
Viola Fair gave birth at her home in Jennings, Missouri, on October 23. She made Miracle call the police.
Miracle listened to instructions from Central County Emergency 911 dispatcher Scott Stranghoener on how to give birth to her baby sister while on the phone. She stayed calm the whole time.
On the call, Miracle can be heard telling her mom to lie down and telling her it’s okay.
She’s here!
she says as her sister is born.
Is the baby breathing?
Stranghoener asks.
Yes, she’s crying right now,
Miracle replies.
Alright, you did a good job,
he tells the girl.
Miracle was the first person to meet her new baby sister, Jayla.
When baby Jayla arrived, Miracle was there with a towel to wipe off her face and to help stimulate her to cry and keep her warm until paramedics arrived,
North County Fire and Rescue said in a Facebook post about the birth.
Within minutes, the fire and rescue team and EMS got there and took Fair and Jayla to the hospital.
This week, the fire and rescue team gave Miracle a special certificate and a stork pin, which is given to EMS workers when they deliver babies in the field, to thank her for being brave. She also got a tablet with games on it and a book to write in. The cover reads:
You can change the world, girl.
She also met up with Stranghoener, who was on her team when her sister was born.