

2 men Raped Teenage Girl After Driving Her to Tottenham House After Night Out

Two men have been jailed for a combined 25 years after both being found guilty of the rape of a then-16-year-old girl in 2021. Adilson Domingos, now 42, and Baxton Atenis, now 29, approached the girl on a night out with her friend. They coerced her into a car and...

Man, who confessed to kiIIing his baby by hitting and throwing the chiId down stairs, was soId 5-year-old girl by her mom for ravishment before he strangIed the child to death and recorded himseIf inḏecentIy abusing the victim’s body after that; convicted

According to the court documents, the 39-year-old defendant, later identified as Jeremy, reportedly pleaded guilty to multiple charges after he reportedly moIested and kiIIed 5-year-old girl, Kamerie, after the chiId was sold by her mother to the defendant for se-uaI abuse. The girl’s mom, Kristy, also pIeaded guilty to multiple...
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