Mirranda Grace Lawson, a tiny toddler who passed away, six months after choking on a popcorn kernel.
Her death was a tragic accident, but now her parents are hoping to share their story with other families, and help raise awareness about the surprising choking hazards that surround us every day.
For little Mirranda, a single popcorn kernel took away her whole future, and her parents don’t want any other families to experience that heartbreak.

Mirranda Grace Lawson passed away in the month of November, but her fight started 6 months earlier, in May.
Alison Lawson, Mirranda’s mother, was celebrating her birthday with a day at home with all of her kids, and her husband Patrick. The whole family spent a joyful day together, until the very end.
According to the GoFundMe page put together by the Lawsons’ niece, Bobbie Jo Cordie, the birthday festivities were drawing to a close when something went terribly wrong.
“At the end of Alison’s birthday, Mirranda ran in to the living room.
Eyes huge, no sound. Time stopped.
Those were the last moments they shared before Mirranda fell to the ground; they swept her mouth, nothing; Pat started CPR.
The ambulance got there, Mirranda’s heart stopped. There was nothing in Mirranda’s mouth, but, presumably lodged deep in her windpipe, a piece of popcorn was cutting off her air.
On the way to the hospital, emergency medical services managed to get Mirranda’s heart pumping once more. At that point, the family had no way of knowing how great the damage was.
Mirranda was transferred to the hospital and put on ventilators; her family hoped that she might pull through.
Tragically, not long after the accident, the medical staff performed the Brain Death test, and discovered that Mirranda’s body was still alive, but that the sweet little girl was gone.
The hospital planned to take Mirranda off of life support, but the Lawsons fought to give her more time.
They took their fight through the Virginia court system, pleading for their daughter to have any chance, however small, to recover from the tragedy.
The battle raged on in court, and the Lawsons ended up footing a $30,000 bill to bring their petition to the State Supreme Court.
Meanwhile, six months passed, and Mirranda remained on life support.
She was tended by careful nurses, one of whom even took the time to make this sweet note (with Mirranda’s) footprint for her dad.