“Everyone knows that the all-important words ’till deaths do us part’ are an integral part of the marriage ceremony. They indicate your undying love for your partner and your willingness to stay with them for the rest of your life.

However, for a young couple that was getting hitched in the Swiss mountains, what should have been the happiest day of their lives quickly became the worst. That sadly came only 30 minutes after they said ‘I do,’ but what happened? Well, you won’t believe the reason.
In this shocking tale of love and death, Keith and Lynn had been childhood sweethearts ever since they met at school. They both came from independently wealthy families, so they moved in the same circles. Over the course of their youth, they grew close, indeed, before finally becoming an official couple at the age of 15. It’s not often that relationships that form at such a relatively young age last, but Keith and Lin’s blossomed.
Before long, they were in their early 20s with lucrative careers befitting their wealthy families. Their relationship was not of business, nor was it a necessary move; it truly was a relationship of absolute love and mutual respect. Lynn and Keith were…..Read Full Story Here……….