50-year-old Woman gives Birth to a Baby for the First time, Husband Notices Something Crazy

Having a baby is an incredible experience. All at once, you have a little bundle of joy in your life that you love unconditionally and would do literally anything for.

So when 50-year-old Susie Troxler gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, her husband Tony noticed something crazy. They say time flies when you’re having fun, and for husband and wife Susan and Tony, life really had gotten away from them.
This couple from North Carolina had been happily married for 13 years, building a home together, traveling, and doing all the things that happy couples usually do. But there’s one thing that the pair hadn’t been able to achieve: having children.
Raising children had always been a shared dream of theirs, but after years and years of trying, they had still been unable to get pregnant. This sad and unfortunate twist meant that they felt like their lives and their family weren’t quite complete.
Tony had always dreamt of being a father to a little girl, and Susie was more than happy to give him that child, or try at least. Because despite their best efforts, they were still childless. They decided to take a more scientific approach. Susie had her eggs harvested and they were….Read Full Story Here……..