
70- YEAR-OLD Woman Struggle to Make Money Then Start Selling But No One Buys From Her, Until This Happens

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Not all people are fortunate in life. Some struggle to have a decent meal day in and day out. When we look around us in public, many people need our help. Most do not have a home to live in. There are those who even stand in line every day to get a bed to sleep in, instead of having to sleep on the floor. That is why we must make society aware that help, no matter how small, is always welcome by those who need it most.

A kind gesture, a bottle of water, a piece of freshly baked bread, stopping to talk to them and asking them how they are doing—anything but passing them by or treating them with contempt. We live in a world accustomed to comforts, especially the younger generations, and we tend to forget about those who have not been as fortunate. We’ve despised them and see them as an inferior group of people who deserve neither our respect nor our attention.

The real drama of this world is the lack of humanity and the coldness of a superficial society that lives connected to the internet 24 hours a day. But all is not lost. There are still those who are able to look beyond social prejudices and show solidarity with those most in need. There are still people who look into their eyes and listen with their hearts. There is still love, and as long as that exists, stories like the one we’re going to explain will continue to make sense.

Leanne was 73 years old and had been living on the streets of Tainan for more than 20 years. She felt no shame about it; on the contrary, she was happy that way and didn’t feel she needed more. It was what fate had given her, and she accepted it without complaint. During the day, she would spend hours sitting on a…Read Full Story Here...,..

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