When he began to notice that his son was taking longer than usual to come home after school, Barry knew something was up. Then, when his son suddenly didn’t have pocket money for toys or treats, alarm bells went off in his mind. But when he secretly followed him one day, what he uncovered left him appalled.

Hello wonderful people! I’m Scott Lefler for Wonderbot, and here is the story of an eight-year-old boy who disappears every night. Then, his dad secretly follows him and learns the tear-jerking secret.
Ken Amante, who was only eight years old at the time, lived in the rural town of Davio City in the Philippines with his parents. Even at such a young age, Ken was remarkably responsible. Every day he’d walk to school and back. But when he started to arrive home later and later, his dad knew something strange was going on.
Barry Amante was a hard-working man; he ran a small business as a car mechanic. But some months were better than others. If he wanted to…...Read Full Story Here.………