8-Year-Old Girl Found Lifeless In Home, Then Police Find Journal That Reveals The Shocking Truth

Eight-year-old girl found lifeless in home. Then police find journal that reveals the shocking truth. This is the story of Gisele Ford, a young woman with a big heart and even bigger dreams. It is a story that everyone should see and one that, unfortunately, is real.

Gisele’s sad tale also represents the hundreds of thousands of other children who are forced to suffer every day at the hands of those who are supposed to love them, protect them, and keep them safe. It is a cry for help that no one will be able to ignore because, as soon as you learn all that this poor girl has endured, you too will feel bad and want to do something about it and make this world a fairer place for Gisele.
There was no happy ending. No one helped her, even when there was obvious evidence that something very bad was going on. It was a real tragedy, but I hope that her story will serve as a wake-up call so that no other child has to suffer the same fate, and we start to change the rules of the game.Like many other children, Gisele Ford, just eight years old, was a happy, curious, and intelligent child. She loved school and was good at…..Read Full Story Here.……..