There are some people who are just mean. They’re not mean for any good reason other than they like to be mean. Other people are adorable; they have wonderful stories to tell, and most old people are sweet and kind. Unfortunately, this sweetness and kindness often make them a target of those mean people.
There are some bikers who are kind; they work hard to care for those less fortunate. It may look mean and nasty, but they’re great people deep down inside. Well, this is a story of a group of bikers who look mean and nasty, and they are mean and nasty. They think that disrespecting an old person is cool. What they didn’t expect was for that old-timer to get revenge on them.

Paul was a 91-year-old man who decided to visit a quiet roadside diner to have something to eat. He was minding his own business when a group of three bikers walked in. Paul looked up when he saw the men come in and he went back to enjoying his apple pie and coffee. He just wanted to enjoy his food in peace, but the bikers had other ideas. After scoping out the place and assuming that Paul was the weakest of the bunch, one of the bikers approached him.
He didn’t say a word to Paul, and he put his cigarette out in Paul’s apple pie. After doing this horribly rude thing, he went to sit down at a table in the back corner of the diner. The second biker looked at Paul and walked over to his table. He cleared his throat, and he hawked up a loogie into Paul’s coffee. It was incredibly disgusting and left Paul with nothing edible or drinkable. After spitting in Paul’s coffee, he went to join his friend in the back of the diner. When the third biker approached Paul, he picked up his plate and smashed it on the ground. When the glass plate shattered, the biker laughed and joined the rest of his group.
Paul kept his cool through this entire thing. Rather than getting upset or getting scared, he got up and went to the counter. He paid for his coffee and he paid for his pie, and he walked out of the diner. The bikers in the corner saw him leave and they laughed hysterically. For some reason, they thought that it was hilarious to embarrass and humiliate somebody who was twice their age and half their size. They felt like they were the kings of the world because they were able to ruin an old man’s meal. He’d never seen them in his life, and he didn’t bother them when they walked in. For some reason though, they chose him to pick on out of all the customers in the diner.
Well, after Paul paid for his food and left, he didn’t say a word to the bikers, and he did not look in their direction. He just left. At this point, the bikers thought that they had won. They felt really tough because they were able to run a sweet old man out of a diner when he just wanted to enjoy his pie, high in coffee. The waitress had seen everything, and the last thing she wanted was to take the biker’s orders. Since it was her job though, she knew she had to suck it up and go over to their table.
Before she even had a chance to ask them what they wanted to eat, one of the bikers looked at her, laughing. He said, “The old geezer isn’t much of a man, is he?” The waitress looked at the biker in disgust. She looked out the window at the diner, and her look of disgust turned into a huge smile. She said to the bikers, “He also isn’t much of a truck driver, seeing as he just now backed over all three of your motorcycles.”
The three bikers ran over to the window, and they saw all three of their bikes on the ground. They had been crushed by the weight of the elderly gentleman’s truck. Anybody who knows anything about bikers understands that the bikers love their bikes more than anything else. They live for their bikes; most bikers even worship their bikes.
The biker’s bike is essentially an extension of them. When you hurt a biker’s bike, you hurt their soul. The elderly man in the diner knew this, so he decided to hurt the bikers where it would hurt them the most. Destroying their bikes was the sweetest revenge in the world. By the time they realized what the old man had done, he was long gone in his truck. Even if they wanted to, they wouldn’t be able to catch up to him because they had no bikes, no way to chase him. Since he was in a truck, the bikers had no way to follow.
He knew that he’d be home free. Paul’s the perfect example that no matter how big, bad, and tough you think you are, you shouldn’t pick on the little guy. Paul may not have hurt the bikers physically, but he hurt them in an even worse way. He can only hope that this will teach those bikers that you can’t start picking on people for no reason, young or old. Sadly, they probably didn’t learn a lesson after this incident; it likely just made them meaner and angrier.
So, the moral of this story: Don’t go around picking on people. You never know what they’re capable of. The workers in this story did more than just upset Paul and looked like fools. They gave bikers a bad name. Not every biker is mean like this; not every biker is angry. There are some really nice bikers out there who work hard to help others. I’ve met them; many bikers who are involved in clubs hold fundraisers to give back to the less fortunate.
They hold family picnics and they welcome the public. What Paul did that day was brave; he also showed that you can’t pick on the little guy because often that little guy will fight back. Paul’s gonna go down in history as the 91-year-old who got harassed by three bikers and stood up to them to take the ultimate revenge.