
Joe Scarborough Curses On Air While Going Off on Trump’s Praising J6 Prison Choir: ‘Can You Imagine if the Left Did This?’

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Joe Scarborough offered a unique take on “The Emperor’s New Clothes” folktale, applying the same sort of calling out the obvious to the shocked glee of his fellow Morning Joe panelists on Wednesday morning. Oh, and he used a swear word!

“The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a literary folktale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, about a vain emperor who gets exposed before his subjects after being convinced by two swindlers that the finest threads are invisible, when in fact, he is finally paraded around naked and called out by a child who states the obvious, that the emperor is wearing no clothes at all.

At issue is something called the “J6 Prison Choir,” who have released a recording of the Star-Spangled Banner featuring none other than former President Donald Trump. It is doing very well on various charts, which has led Trump to compare himself to Elvis. At a recent rally in Waco, event organizers played the song while hagiographically showing images of the capitol attack by said rioters

In his inimitable manner, Scarborough asked the simple yet most pointed of questions following a discussion of right-wing versus conservativism in today’s weird-asssed political spectrum.

“Can you imagine if the left did this? They have the leading candidate for president, for the nomination for the presidency praising — they have put together a choir of convicts….”

At this point, Mika Brzezinski interjected, “It’s deranged,” and Scarborough completed the thought with, “Who beat the shit out of cops with an American flag?!” As his cohost winced at the barnyard commentary, Scarborough apologized, adding, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Would you like me to say it in a nicer way?”

He then continued the thought while producers showed footage of the attack on the capitol on January 6th:

They beat the crap out of cops. There you go. With an American flag, Willie and four died. Yeah, And their families directly blame the assault. The rioters, they defecated in the capital. Can you imagine if left wingers did all of that and then they go crazy? And then Bernie Sanders says, I have a good idea. Let’s make a choir. The choir? They can sing like they didn’t say it. We can celebrate. We can celebrate the fact that they beat the hell out of the cops and they don’t forget to do the capital. We can do that, right? That’ll help us. I mean, think about that. What what would what would Newsmax say? What would Fox say? What? What are these? Right. They are openly praising rioters and convicts.

Scarborough also offered a remarkably on-the-nose impersonation of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, that on any other day, would get its own headline. But that post will have to wait for another day.

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