
Mom Comes to Son’s Daycare Early, Finds Him Locked up behind the Gates And The Unexpected Took Place

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Evelyn, a widowed mom, begins to suspect something is wrong when her five-year-old son has difficulty adjusting to daycare. Her suspicions are confirmed when she arrives there early and finds him locked up.

“You’re gonna have so much fun at daycare, Evelyn,” smiled as she placed a bowl of oatmeal before young Jason.

“When they sing my song?” Jason asked.

“I’m sure they will, honey. I think they take turns to sing everyone’s favorite song, and you’ll learn lots of new songs too,” Evelyn replied.

Jason frowned, and the nervousness Evelyn was working so hard to hide kicked up a gear. Like every mother, she wanted her child’s first day at daycare to go perfectly, but Evelyn had doubts. Jason could be very sensitive and pedantic about things like his favorite song. He also didn’t cope well when life surprised him.

“Why don’t we sing your favorite song in the car on the way to daycare?” Evelyn asked. “That way, you’ll get a chance to sing it every day, okay, Mom?”

Jason grinned, and Evelyn breathed a sigh of relief. She wouldn’t worry so much, but this was a big change for Jason. It was a big change for her too, and part of her grief for the shift in her husband’s death had forced on her and Jason’s lifestyle.

While the other children ran around the daycare playground, Jason traced his fingers over the colorful mosaics decorating the wall as Evelyn spoke to his teacher, Kara.

“He gets overwhelmed sometimes when too much is happening at once. I find it’s best to get him to lie down in a quiet area when that happens,” Evelyn said. “Also, he doesn’t like the color lime green at all. He won’t touch anything that color.”

“Don’t worry,” Kara smiled reassuringly. “We have what we call a calm corner for kids who get overwhelmed. We have some stuffed toys in there and a bottle of glitter and non-toxic liquid. We shake up the bottle and ask the kids to watch it. It does the trick every time.”

“That’s great,” Evelyn replied. She had doubts about this method, but surely the teacher knew best.

Evelyn needed to get back to work soon, so she said goodbye to Jason, and he immediately burst out crying. Jason clung to her leg like a bird.

“I’m not going home now, champ. I’m going to work,” Evelyn said, leaning over to rub Jason’s back. “I know this is hard, but please be brave enough to try. I just know you’re gonna make lots of friends here, but you have to give it a chance.”

Evelyn drove to work with tears in her eyes. No amount of coercion had convinced Jason to release her, and eventually, Cara had to help her pry the child off her leg as if he’d never see her again. It left Evelyn traumatized, and she was sure Jason felt the same.

Evelyn could barely concentrate on her work. All she thought about was the desperate sorrow on Jason’s face when she turned away and left him. The sound of his heaving sobs echoed in her head.

When she left her desk to take her lunch break, Evelyn called the school to check on her son. Her heart dropped when…Read Full Story Here…,,,,,

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