
Restaurant Manager Kicked Out this Old Woman not Knowing Who She Really Was (HEART WARMING)

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A small restaurant near my apartment where I used to go and spend time writing and drinking coffee. This restaurant had recently come under new management, and the whole interior of the restaurant was redone. It was much nicer than it had been before, and it quickly became my favorite place to go and hang out. Also, they had really good coffee.

I would often find myself people watching while I was there. One day last summer, an elderly woman came into the restaurant. Her clothes were old and dirty, and her hair was a mess.

I figured she must be homeless. The old woman made her way to the restroom, but I saw her stop in the hall for a moment. There was a picture of all the restaurant staff and the manager on the wall. The old woman looked at the picture for a few minutes, then went into the restroom.

When she came back out a few moments later, she looked at the picture again and then looked around the restaurant. I thought maybe she was going to sit at an empty table, but she just looked around. Then the old woman left.

The next day, I went in again for lunch, and the same thing happened. The old woman came into the restaurant and looked at the picture in the hall before using the restroom. Then she looked around the restaurant for a moment and then left. She never talked to anyone or ordered anything. when this happened again the next day, I thought….Read Full Story Here,,..,,

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