
My Boyfriend Has A Room He Enters Every Dawn But I’m Not Allowed In That Room, I’m Suspecting Something

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My friend, Berlinda’s mother was also a mother to me when she was alive. The day she died everything stopped for me. I felt like a piece of me was missing. It felt like I lost someone who was more than just a mother to a friend. She was a mother to me too and I was going to miss her presence in my life.

I cried with Berlinda and stayed with her throughout the funeral and burial. On Sunday during the thanksgiving church service, I sat beside a guy I was seeing for the first time. I didn’t belong to that church so most faces there were new to me.

He called me by name. He said, “Anas, you can share my hymn book with me.” The church was singing hymnals. I didn’t have one so I was just humming along. He might have seen my suffering with the lyrics of the hymn. He was considerate but how did he know my name? That was the question on my mind as we sang together from the same hymn book.

I whispered, ”How did you know my name? Are we friends on Facebook?” He laughed. He said, “Your friend mentioned your name when she came to you and I heard it.” I said, “Oh really? I didn’t hear her mention my name.” He said, “She did.

But she didn’t mention your surname and I will be glad if you will add it.” We kept talking intermittently during the service. After the service, he asked, “Can I have your number? I know your name. I will like to know more.” I took his phone and tapped my number on it for him. He called my line. He said….Read Full Story Here..,…

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