
At friend’s Funeral, Woman was given Letter written by The Deceased and she learned a Shocking Truth

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Laura stood in front of the mirror; she was ready. All she had to do was put on her shoes and take her bag. The woman could not stop looking sadly at her reflection. Although she hated black, it did not matter today. Laura was wearing a black dress and black tights, and she had a black jacket on top.

Her dark hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail, and there was hardly any makeup on her face. Laura held sunglasses in her hands, with which she intended to hide her tearful eyes. Today, Laura was going to see her best friend off to her last journey. Oh, it was so unfair because Grace was still so young. It should not be like this for people to die at the age of 30. She was not ill. Why did her heart suddenly stop? Or maybe she was seriously ill and was hiding it?

Laura took a deep breath, trying not to cry. She put on her glasses, grabbed her bag, and left the house. There were so many people in the cemetery that Laura was confused. She knew almost no one. The only relative Grace had was her aunt, but she hadn’t come. Laura didn’t know much about Grace’s past. She knew that she had grown up in a small village. Her parents had died long ago, leaving her a small house in that village, but Laura had never been there. Though they had been best friends since college, life had separated them for many years.

Laura saw only one familiar person; it was Grace’s cousin, Ivy. Laura said hello to her and mumbled, turning to Ivy that she had no idea that Grace had so many friends. But the woman quietly replied that Grace had very few friends, and that these people were her colleagues, employees, and neighbors. Only two people were really grieving here – Laura and Ivy – and maybe a couple of co-workers. Everyone else just came to formally fulfill a duty.

Laura thought for a moment while outside she could hear the clatter of the falling clods of earth hitting the coffin lid, and then she could not take her eyes off the……Read Full Story Here.…,…

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