
Man Opens Door and Girl Greets Him with Note in Hand And The Unexpected Took Place

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A man noticed a little girl standing on his porch when he answered the door at night. “Who could it possibly be at this time?” Vance mumbled, setting down his fork. He was having dinner with his wife Giselle and their daughter Mia, and he’d just taken another serving of the delicious spaghetti when the doorbell rang.

“You guys carry on, I’ll check who it is,” Vance said as he got to his feet. He proceeded to the door and was greeted by a young girl who seemed no older than 10. “Hello, Dad,” she said, “can I please come in? This is from Mom,” she added, extending a note to him.

Vance laughed, “Look, girl, I guess you’ve lost your way. I’m not your dad,” but the girl shook her head. “I know who you are, you’re Van Sanders, aren’t you?” Vance gasped, covering his mouth in shock. “How do you know my name? Can I come in?” she asked again, “I’m feeling cold.”

Vance looked at her tattered appearance and couldn’t refuse her. “Mom told me to give this letter to you,” she said as she settled inside, “please read it.” Giselle left her dinner and came to the living room to check what had taken Vance so long. When she saw the little girl talking to Vance, she was……Read Full Story Here...,…

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