
Family Told To Go Shopping, But They Have No Idea What was In Store For Them

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Saira rubbed the soft cushions and plush armchairs; she’d never been in such a big store in her life. Each floor was dedicated to a different room – kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, playroom. She held her grandmother’s hand and dragged her up and down escalators.

She wanted the perfect pink room after spending so many months looking at the same white hospital walls. She jumped on the princess-style bed and used her father for balance. Then Shaquille appeared.

Cyrus Sanders was a happy, energetic five-year-old from Atlanta. Her days were filled with wonder and joy, and her best friend, Logan, only five and six.

Zaira and Logan were inseparable; they’d meet every morning on their walk to the bus stop. Logan never stopped talking; Saira would raise him to the lollipop lady just so he’d stop talking for a few minutes. But their innocent youth was destined for a mishap.

Saira always loved dogs; if she had to pick a favorite, it would be the Dalmatian. They reminded her of ponies; every time she passed one, she’d have to stop and talk to their owner. Some bred puppies, most didn’t, but she always……Read Full Story Here…,…

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