
Boy Thinks His Mother Died in Car Crash, Years Later He Accidentally Got Shock Of Life

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“Mom, do you really have to go to that convention?” Joseph said, clinging onto his mother’s leg as she prepared to leave town. She was set to go to a chemistry convention in Boston, which was about an hour’s drive from their place at Manchester.

“Honey, I’ll be back in a couple of days. I have to give a lecture at the convention,” Mrs. Avery Waltham said. She was a professor at the prestigious Harvard University and was tasked to give the main speech at the chemistry convention this year.

“Can I at least go with you?” Joseph asked, pleading to tag along. It was then that her husband Richard stepped in, carrying his son to stop him from clinging onto his mother. “Joseph, Mom’s only going to be gone for three nights. We’ll see her when she gets back, okay?” he said, giving his wife a kiss on the forehead as she opened the door.

“Honey, I would bring you along everywhere if I could, but this conference is for adults, and they won’t let you in. Now, it wouldn’t be fun waiting for mommy outside the venue, right?” she said, giving both Richard and Joseph a tight hug. When she loaded the cab, she bid her family goodbye one last time. Unfortunately, that was the last time they saw her. A couple of days later, Richard received a call from the cops saying that…..Read Full Story Here….,…..

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