
Neighbors “laughed” when he filled his yard with tires. Two years later, they were working for him

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Bad things happen in everyone’s life sometimes. A series of challenges and setbacks can make even the strongest and most successful person feel like a loser.

Unfortunately, these aren’t rare examples. However, there are also plenty of examples when circumstances put people in a certain position from which they are forced to grow, from someone poor and indecisive into an ambitious and powerful person. And that’s exactly the kind of story you are about to hear.

So now, we’ll get transferred to hot Africa where our hero, Malcolm, lives. The beginning of his story dates back to 2012 when a simple boy from an uneducated and poor family that lived with no electricity found himself in a very difficult situation.

I think it’s no secret that the standard of living on this continent is extremely low, and the boy’s family was no exception. People had to work hard to survive in his small town. Every dollar earned was seen as success, and most likely, his life would have continued that way if it wasn’t for one incident that changed everything. Malcolm’s family was very poor, which was only aggravated by his father’s gambling addiction to……Read Full Story Here……..

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