
The BOSS discovers his employee is homeless, What Happened Next Is Heartbreaking

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There are many people in the United States who have a job that they do with great dedication and barely make ends meet.

These people are known as The Working Poor. Angel, a young single mother of three, is one of these people. However, Angel was not always a Working Poor. In fact, she went on to become an entrepreneur and set up her own business single-handedly.

Angel was a lover of food, more specifically Italian food. Her grandparents were Italian immigrants who came to the United States in search of a new life like so many others and created their small family Pizzeria in the borough of Queens. When Angel was a little girl, her favorite pastime was helping her grandmother prepare the pizza dough. She could spend hours kneading it without getting tired, and the older she got, the better she got at it, and the more she learned about Italian cooking and its secrets.

As Angel grew older, it was clear to her that she didn’t want to do anything else. After finishing high school, she started working part-time at the pizzeria while studying a course in business management and accounting.

Her intention was to help improve the business and increase turnover as her grandparents were starting to get older and had hardly any knowledge on the subject. “Don’t worry, Grandma. With everything I learned in the course, I will be able to….Read Full Story Here………

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