
WarRoom: Attorney Christina Bobb Explains the Significance of Maricopa County Judge’s Ruling on Ballot Inspection in Kari Lake Election Contest

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Host Stephen K. Bannon of WarRoom welcomed well-known Attorney and Litigation Specialist Christina Bobb to the show to comment upon the recent ruling in Maricopa County, Arizona allowing GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake to proceed with ballot sampling.

Bannon: Christina Bobb, breaking news out of Maricopa County. A lot of people got very excited when they first saw this. Walk us through exactly what the judge said today, and how big a deal is this?

Bobb: Right. In the complaint, Kari Lake requested access to the ballots to be able to inspect them. That’s actually part of the statute under which she sued the election contest. And according to the statute, she has a right to inspect a sampling of the ballots. It’s not a lot. I want to say it’s maybe 50. It’s a very small number, but it’s a sampling.

And each side gets to appoint someone to go and inspect altogether. It’s all done in accordance with the statute. The judge granted that request today, which is good, but I would say it’s basically just in line with the statute. So it’s a good indication in the sense that he followed the law and did what the law requires, but he didn’t have to make an opinion or weigh the facts to make this decision.

It was written in black letter law. He followed it. They get to inspect. And then on Monday the 19th, they have the motion to dismiss. The defendants of Maricopa County, Katie Hobbs, and the remaining defendants, have filed motions to dismiss. Kari Lake’s team is responding to them tomorrow, and then those will be heard on Monday.

And I know if that motion to dismiss gets granted, then the ballot inspection obviously becomes moot. It’s kind of a weird order in which these things are going, but because it’s such a jammed timeline, the judge said, I know you, and I talked about this, but the judge said, recognizing that defendants are confident in their position, the court nonetheless cannot put off all pretrial discovery on the expectation that the case will be dismissed.

So he’s basically saying, I know defendants are very confident. They think that this case is going to get dismissed, but I can’t delay it just because you think you’re going to win.

Bannon: Here’s the point, though, is that this is the first time, even if you go to appeal, this is a big deal, that you actually get to go. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re the lawyer that’s been on this, and you wrote the book about it. You’ve been on it from the first time since November 4, 2020, whether that was in Pennsylvania or Michigan or Arizona, or Nevada.

Is this the first time we’ve really gotten an evidentiary stage that actually somebody’s going to go in a court process? And I understand this before the motion to dismiss is argued, right? But is this the first time that actually somebody’s going to actually go look at the evidence and put their hands on the evidence?

Bobb: It actually happened in Michigan in 2020. Matt DePerno’s team was able to go and inspect some of the machines and inspect some of the processes there. So to my knowledge, this is the second time that it has happened. There may have been some other smaller cases. If you remember, in Antrim County, Michigan, everybody got all spun up about it.

That happened there. So we’re at the Antrim County, Michigan phase right now where the plaintiff side is actually allowed to go look at some of this evidence, and then on Monday, we’ll find out if that evidence gets to be presented in court where the public can assess it. So it’s a little bit of a crunched timeline, but I will say the evidence, in this case, is so solid, I don’t know how a court could dismiss it.

We’ve got emails from the Secretary of State, a Democrat candidate colluding with Twitter and the federal government to censor political speech and election speech. You’ve got the Maricopa County Recorder colluding with Twitter and the federal government to censor election speech to manipulate the outcome of this election.

You’ve got an expert witness saying that an expert who has certified these machines for the last nine years, saying that they’re lawful to use and that they’re in good working condition, saying that the error that occurred on Election Day, because we saw how many Republicans were disenfranchised because over half the machines broke on Election Day, that error was intentional.

You have a whistleblower from Runbeck, the ballot company that says approximately 300,000 ballots were illegally inserted into the tally. Not coming from dropboxes, not coming from polling locations, but just being brought in by employees, not within the lawful chain of custody. There’s so much evidence in this case, I don’t see how a court can dismiss it. I think Kari survives on Monday, but we’ll see.

Bannon: Real quickly, what the judge allowed today, what will actually happen? Do you know, technically what happens about these ballots with the inspection? How will that take place between now and Monday?

Bobb: I don’t know that the actual inspection will be completed by Monday. I think each side is going to have to nominate their person. The court asked for names. Who do you want your person to be to go inspect the ballots? I know Kari Lake’s team has their, you know, forensic expert that they’ll nominate.

The county gets to do that as well. So those names will be put forward and then whenever the court appoints it or whenever the parties can agree, I would expect early next week, they will go and get to see the sampling of the ballots and do their testing or whatever it is that they’re doing.

And then they can use that information in the trial because the trial date has been set for the 21st and 22nd, and they’ll use that time to present to the court.

Bannon: Just given the schedule here, because either side will appeal, right?

Bobb: Right.

Bannon: It’ll appeal all the way up to the Arizona Supreme Court. Just given, I think, the inauguration day is Monday the second. Is there enough time here over the holidays actually, to get this done? Is your belief they’re going to have to delay the inauguration just to get to all this?

Bobb: I don’t know what they’ll do with the inauguration. I don’t expect this to be wrapped up by the second. But I know that there’s case history in Arizona where someone was inaugurated and then the election contest was successful and that governor was removed from office. So there is history for this.

I’m not too worried about whether Katie Hobbs gets inaugurated or not. As long as Kari Lake wins her contest, she’ll be inaugurated. And whether Katie Hobbs has to step down or what the situation is, I’m not too worried about that. But I expect Kari Lake to have a very solid showing in this case and hopefully be the governor of Arizona.

Bannon: And overall today, you say this is a good day for team Kari Lake.

Bobb: I would say any day where the court’s not throwing us out is a good day. So, yes, I’ll take it as a win. But to be fair, I think the judge was just impartially applying the law, and this was a pretty clear-cut case, and he followed it to the “t.” So I think it’s good.

Bannon: Perfect. How do people get to you? How do they get to the book, and how do they get to your social media?

Bobb: Yes. Thank you. You can preorder Stealing Your Vote on Amazon. It’s available in January. And then you can find me on GETTR and TRUTH Social Christina Bobb or Instagram and Twitter. Christina_Bobb.

Bannon: Christina Bobb, thank you very much. Honored to have you.

Bobb: Thank you.

Bannon: Thanks for taking the time.

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