Can you imagine what it would be like to lose one of your children in a tragic car accident, and months later, broken with grief, you hear from them again in the afterlife?

How would you feel? It seems unbelievable, but believe me when I tell you that it has happened, and it is a completely real story.
The protagonist of our story was named Macy Mathis, and unfortunately, she’s no longer in this world. She was a normal 16-year-old girl with her whole life ahead of her. Unlike most young people her age, Macy wasn’t ashamed to be with her family; on the contrary, Macy loved nothing more than spending time with them and talking about how lucky she felt to be part of their beautiful family.
Among her many passions, Macy loved to read, and although very few people knew it, she also loved to write. In fact, not only did she love it, she was excellent at it. During the months leading up to her death, the young woman had been writing the manuscript for what she intended to…..Read Full Story Here………