
Mom Is Horrified When Her Doberman Drags Her Baby Across The Yard Until She Sees Why

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“Adopting a shelter animal can be simultaneously one of the most rewarding and anxiety-inducing times in any pet owner’s life. Catherine’s Miletich of Australia knows this all too well, especially since she recently adopted a Doberman Pinscher named Khan.

Even though Catherine and her husband were fully aware that Khan came from an abusive home prior to adopting him, they still had no qualms about introducing him to their 17-month-old daughter, Charlotte. When push came to shove, they wanted to rescue an animal rather than buy one from a breeder.

Recently, while young Charlotte was playing with the new dog in the family garden, Catherine noticed something that would be cause for concern for all pet owners, especially parents. When Catherine looked over, she noticed that Khan was……Read Full Story Here……..

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