
Reason Why Republican Are Withdrawing From Supporting Donald’s Trumps After The Terrible Things That Took Place- CNN Host Reveals (video )

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Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) concurred with Jake Tapper, the host of CNN’s “State of the Union,” that Donald Trump’s star is fading and that Republicans are more than ready to move on without him.


During a conversation with the CNN host, the outgoing senator, who saw his seat go to Democrat John Fetterman, claimed Trump’s popularity was already in decline and that his November announcement that he would be running again in 2024 was a disaster that only accelerated his slide.

“Do you think Donald Trump’s hold on your party is finally slipping?” host Tapper prompted

“Absolutely I do,” Toomey shot back. “First, I think his influence was waning — not as quickly as I had hoped it would — I think it was waning. after the election outcome from last month, I think it dramatically accelerates the waning and, frankly, his unbelievably terrible rollout of his re-election — his election campaign is also not helping him.”


He continued, “I think you see it manifested in a number of ways. “One obvious manner was quite an amazing turnout of leading Republicans who have been attending gatherings like the RJC meeting in Las Vegas, publicly talking about themselves as candidates after Donald Trump had already made it known he was running,” said one Republican.

In his travels around Pennsylvania after the election, he said, “I’ve heard from many, many formerly highly pro-Trump people that they think it’s time for our party to move on. So that tells you that they view the Republican electorate to be much more open.”


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