
Woman Mocks “Dirty Man” In Store – Regrets It All When He Reveals His True Identity

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Andy Ross was picking up a few things after work from a grocery store in Washington State, where he lives. After a minute, he noticed a little girl staring at him. Andy was legitimately dirty after a long day’s work in the woods and didn’t think too much about it.

But then as they were leaving, the mother whispered to her daughter, “That is why you need to stay in school.” It was obvious that she meant that she thought Andy was a failure based on her first impression of his looks. Soon though, the mother would have reason to regret her words.

Andy went on Facebook and posted a message that revealed his true identity and completely blew her preconceptions about him out of the water. Andy’s message is one that we’d all do well to remember.

“So I had a very interesting ‘educational’ conversation with a woman and her daughter today. As I entered the store before I got home, a little girl kept staring at me. Which is fine. I know that kids are curious when they see someone, especially as dirty as I was. They ended up in…..Read Full Story Here……

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