He Adopted 3 UNWANTED Black Girls 27 Years Ago, But How They Repaid Him is Unbelievable!

When Officer Joe Cooper got a call one night about some strange noises coming from a derelict flatlet, he never anticipated what he was going to find. What resulted in him adopting three little black girls was a moment that changed his life forever. The way they repaid him just 27 years later will leave you in tears.
Officer Joe Cooper was on a quiet round one freezing evening in Chicago when he got a call from the precinct. Some old lady had made a complaint that there were strange noises coming from the abandoned flat next door to hers. She wanted the police to check it out, so he gladly obliged and drove there. But after manipulating the door open, he was faced with a sight no grown adult would want to see.
There were three little girls in front of him, cowering away from his presence. The oldest couldn’t have been more than 10 years old, while the second must have been around six, and the youngest three at most. The poor girls looked quite rough.
By the looks of them, they hadn’t had a proper meal in a good while. Their clothes were filthy and falling apart, and their faces were dirty. These kids were clearly abandoned. This hurt Joe greatly. They reminded him of his daughter he had lost in a car accident just two years prior. How someone could abandon them was beyond his belief. He just wanted to wrap them up in a hug and keep them safe.
It took some time to garner their trust, but once he was able to do so, he whisked them back to the precinct in his warm car. Back at the precinct, after some hot chocolate and a few chats, it came out that they were, in fact, the daughters of drug dealers who had decided they no longer wanted them. So, when the girls were sleeping, they had just left, leaving them all alone to fend for themselves, which up until that point, they had been struggling to do.
They were homeless and unloved. Joe tried to continue with his job as normal, but he couldn’t shake the image of their little faces when he found them. They deserved better than life had dealt them, so he decided to do something that no one on his force could begin to understand, something so drastic it had people in absolute awe. Joe decided to formally adopt the girls.
Turns out their names were Mia, Ley, and Amy. Amy was the youngest and was absolutely thrilled to be adopted. She loved the idea of having a loving dad and a bed all to herself, while Mia, the oldest, was highly skeptical. She couldn’t understand why a grown man would want to take on three broken girls just like that. She didn’t have the luxury of being innocent and trusting.
Life had taught her very hard lessons a girl her age should never have known. But when she heard the story of how he had lost his beloved daughters in such a tragic crash, she began to understand a little better. The poor officer was still grieving the loss of his girls that he hadn’t even had the courage to clear out their rooms. This, of course, worked out perfectly as it gave the girls their own rooms to live in. The two youngest shared the room and toys to play with and beds to sleep in.
Naturally, Joe was quite nervous about them coming to live with him. For almost two years, he had been living all alone. His wife had left him after they lost their daughters, so he had been mourning all alone. Despite their apprehension at first, they soon settled into their new home. People that lived around Joe were naturally inquisitive about his new familial additions.
Not only because he had adopted three little girls, but also because they were black. The fact that a white police officer had adopted three little black girls was simply so hard for some people to digest. To them, they felt it was unnatural or strange. But to Joe, all he saw were three little girls who needed protection and love, something he knew he could provide.
As time passed, the little family was able to heal from their own traumas and begin to build new lives for themselves. The girls became more comfortable with their new dad and home. They began to thrive at school and even started bringing friends home with them. One step at a time, they were closer to building and living more normal lives.
Joe was thrilled at the idea that he was able to provide them with a loving home and the somewhat normal childhood everyone deserved. Night after night before he went to sleep, he could pray that his girls would be able to assimilate into the world once they left school. He had great aspirations for them, hoping that they could achieve anything they set their hearts to.
In some way, all his prayers paid off in the end, as his girls went on to be quite successful. Mia went on to study to be a therapist, with the intention of helping children like her. Ley became an avid journalist, reporting on crime and specializing in forensics, while little Amy was working towards her PhD in music.
Just 27 years later, Joe could hardly contain the pride he had for his children. Little did he know what they had in store for him. It was Amy’s graduation when she was finally awarded her doctorate in musical therapy and brain studies. Thanks to her compelling and unique thesis, she was asked to present the speech when accepting her award.
Joe sat anxiously and proud in the crowd, waiting to hear her speech. But then something strange happened. Amy stood up at the podium and was then joined by her two older sisters. She began her speech and told the crowd the inspiring story of her beloved adoptive father, how he had gone against all odds to help save them from a life that would have been a misery in many ways.
She explained to the crowd that everything she had done would have never been possible without him and his caring heart. Joe could hardly contain his emotions. There, standing and talking in front of hundreds of people, was his little three-year-old, his little girl, with her big sisters, shouting his praise. At that very moment, his hardships of single fatherhood all melted away.
Every second of blood, sweat, and tears had been so worth it. His girls were his everything, and they knew it. After all, without him, their life would have had a very different trajectory. It just goes to show that a little love and a lot of compassion can really go a long way.
Would you have adopted the girls if you had found them? What is your stance on adoption? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.