
Newsom’s Wife Blasts Weinstein’s Lawyers as Misogynists After Jury Delivers Mixed Verdict – Jury Hung Over Jennifer Siebel Newsom Rape Charges

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Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape in the Los Angeles sexual assault trial.

Weinstein was found guilty on one count of sexual battery by restraint.

The jury was hung on three counts.

A mistrial was declared over Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s rape charges.

Recall, Harvey Weinstein’s defense lawyers in an opening statement called Gavin Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, a “bimbo” and a “Hollywood wannabe” after she accused the disgraced producer of rape.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom testified against Harvey Weinstein

She claimed Weinstein raped her in a Los Angeles hotel room in 2005 when she was an actor.

Weinstein’s lawyers ripped Jennifer Siebel Newsom as they argued she consented to every sexual interaction with Weinstein.

“Look at my client,” attorney Mark Werksman said, pointing to Weinstein, according to Variety. “He’s not Brad Pitt or George Clooney. Do you think these beautiful women had sex with him because he’s hot? No, it’s because he’s powerful.”

Weinstein’s lawyer dropped the hammer on Gavin Newsom’s wife when he rightly pointed out that had she not married a powerful politician, she would be just another “bimbo” who slept with Weinstein.

“She’d be just another bimbo who slept with Harvey Weinstein to get ahead,” Werksman argued to the courtroom.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom blasted Harvey Weinstein’s lawyers as sexists and misogynists on Monday after the jury delivered a mixed verdict.

“Throughout the trial, Weinstein’s lawyers used sexism, misogyny, and bullying tactics to intimidate, demean, and ridicule us survivors,” Newsom said. “This trial was a stark reminder that we as a society have work to do. To all survivors out there – I see you, I hear you, and I stand with you.”

Gavin Newsom said he’s proud of his wife.

“I am so incredibly proud of my wife and all the brave women who came forward to share their truth and uplift countless survivors who cannot,” Gavin Newsom said, according to Deadline. “Their strength, courage and conviction is a powerful example and inspiration to all of us. We must keep fighting to ensure that survivors are supported and that their voices are heard.”

Deadline reported:

Harvey Weinstein is a “serial predator” and rapist said Jennifer Siebel Newsom today after a Los Angeles jury was unable to come to a unanimous verdict on the much-accused producer’s guilt in allegedly attacking her back in 2005.

“Harvey Weinstein will never be able to rape another woman,” California’s First Partner asserted in a statement sent out within minutes of the mixed verdict Monday. “He will spend the rest of his life behind bars where he belongs. Harvey Weinstein is a serial predator and what he did was rape.”

Found guilty on a trio of charges and now facing 18 – 24 years in state prison, the already incarcerated Weinstein was acquitted on another sexual battery count and saw the jury deadlocked on three other counts. That final round of charges were all the counts related to Jane Doe #4 a.k.a. Siebel Newsom.

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