
He Adopted a Disabled Black Girl That No One Wanted, Then She Did Something Extremely Shocking

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“When no one wanted this disabled black girl, Violet Bastion took her into his family. Then she did something totally unexpected. Bastion reached for the car belt and secured it on Violet. She whimpered, and when he looked at her to find out what was wrong, her eyes darted away from his.

He sighed because he knew it would take a while before Violet trusted him. He couldn’t blame her, not after everything she’d been through at such a tender age. She was seven, and he and his wife Elaine had just adopted her and were taking her home, ready to drive.

Bastion ducked his upper body out of the back seat, but in the process, his left shoulder collided with Violet’s right one, and she screamed in pain. Concerned, his paramedic training kicked in. His wife Elaine was sitting in the front on the passenger side. He asked her to get his medical kit while he unbuttoned Violet’s shirt. His heart sank when he noticed the……Read Full Story Here……….

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