
Mother Reject And Abandoned Baby Born Without Eyes. You Won’t Believe What Happened To Him

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“When Sasha was born without eyes, his young mother faced a tough choice. Doctors had warned her about a potential problem during her pregnancy checkups. They informed her at the 31st week that there might be an issue with the baby’s eyes.

Despite the doctors trying to prepare her, the reality hit hard when Sasha was born. He had no eyeballs, just closed lids where his eyes should be. The hospital staff in Tomsk, Russia, were surprised too.

Sasha’s mother was overwhelmed and started crying when she saw him. Despite efforts to comfort her, she felt unable to cope. A few days later, she decided to leave Sasha at a local orphanage, officially named Alexander K but known as Sasha. She believed that she couldn’t provide the specialist care he needed because of hi…….Read Full Story Here………………..

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