
Doctors Remove Life Support as Family Says Farewell to Newborn, Then Something Amazing Happened

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When Chelsea Huff gave birth to Carson Jacks at 36 weeks, things took a terrifying turn. Though the delivery was swift and the baby boy’s heartbeat was strong during labor, all that changed after he entered the world.

Suddenly, Carson’s heart stopped. After laying the child on his mother’s chest, his heart started again, but soon his heart rate was dropping again, and doctors discovered a host of medical concerns.

They put Carson Jacks on life support and ran a bunch of tests and evaluations. A lot of questions surrounded the causes of this little boy’s illness, but doctors eventually determined the only option was to remove life support. Doctors suspected a hemorrhage in the boy’s left temporal lobe, along with a diagnosis of non-ketotic hyperglycemia (NKH), a rare genetic disorder causing an accumulation of glycine in the…..Read Full Story Here………..

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