
Early Vaccine Recipient Involved in the Vaccine Rollout Campaign Speaks Out – Reveals He Suffered Adverse Reaction – Exposes How Corporate America Colluded with the Government to Push Mandate (VIDEO)

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Fearing for his children’s safety, a former Emergency Services Manager of a fully integrated steel company who suffered an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine has broken his silence.

“What made me decide to stand up and fight back after all of this? It wasn’t my deteriorating health it was my children. My son has autism, and schools got to violate his services in the name of “COVID,”” he wrote.

Ryan Cunningham, who managed an emergency service department including an ambulance division, was one of the first people to get vaccinated before anyone else. He labeled himself as one of those “COVID Police.”

He was involved in the marketing campaign that ultimately encouraged everyone to get vaccinated and he helped get early access to vaccination for the top executives and CEO of a Fortune 100 company

According to Cunningham, he developed adverse reactions days after he received the Covid vaccine, along with six other healthcare at the time.

He also claimed that Corporate America colluded with the government to push the experimental Covid vaccine.

This is why I left the propaganda machine. I’m ashamed I didn’t realize sooner even with a M.S. in Emergency Management disaster preparedness. The government has and will violate civil liberties in the name of safety. PsyOps,” he wrote.

“Even though I’ve been on the “right” side of the pandemic narrative for over two years, I wrestle with how many families were destroyed or broken up by the MSM and Gov narrative. I’m ashamed I was involved in that narrative in any way,” he said.

Read his explosive expose below:

I got the COVID vaccine before most could as healthcare provider and emergency manager implementing many of the policies of the “covidians”. Days after I was transported to thehospital with cardiac issue. Today I’m in heart failure.

From working out twice a day and lean to my heart jumping to 160 BPM sitting still. My endocrine system is now gone and my weight gain is 70+ pounds

Here goes my story….. First, let me give you a bit of background. I have a Masters’s Degree inEmergency Service Management. I happened to specifically study a pandemic and when the government would violate civil liberties in the name of safety.

In Corporate America, I worked as an Emergency Services Manager for a fully integrated steel plant. The same facility [Donald Trump] visited and helped re-open in 2018.

This is where it gets interesting… How are Government, Big Tech, and Corporate America connected as it relates to mandates? Many states have “fusion” ordisaster response centers. These centers have a “business emergency operations” componentto them for the private sector.

The goal of these fusion centers. Have liaisons with all the major businesses and keep them “in the know” with the actions of the government and get buy-into support initiatives. Seems harmless until COVID happened.

When the Government imposed many of the mandates, they KNEW they were mere “guidance,” but if they could get big tech, major media, and Corporate America on boardthey could have these entities implement “administrative” or workplace policies.

How do I know… I was shamefully involved in the process. In my gut, it didn’t feel right, butI made videos and marketing materials supporting others to get vaccinated. I interacted withthese fusion centers, and I helped implement many of the initial mandates.

Because I had a healthcare provider license and was on the “team” I was one of the first toget vaccinated… and that’s when it all took a turn for the worst. For those who judge today atthe time, there were no horror stories. I was one of the first.

Days later, after my vaccine, my heart was beating out of my chest, and then I thought I wasgoing to die. I didn’t know where I was. I was saying my last prayers. At the time, I was ingreat shape, working out twice a day. Off to the hospital, I went.

Let’s remember I managed an Emg Srvc department, including an ambulance division. When I got to the hospital I was told 6 other healthcare providers had a similar reaction tomine but all felt better after some time and I too felt better in a few hours.

At this time, only healthcare providers could get the vaccination…. not the general public. I thought I was going to be “OK” so I got a few days of rest and “shook it off.”

All was not OK. As days went on, I would be sitting at a desk, and my resting HR would jump up to 140 – 160 BPM. I was not doing any physical activity. I was afraid to say anything because I didn’t want to lose my job due to health issues. I ignored it.

“Everyone” wanted the vaccine at this time. I often wonder if the staggered rollout making the “health care providers” seem like they are elite to get it first was by design to create a”Fear of Missing Out” with the remaining population.

These “fusion centers” continued to push and work with Corporate America to push the vaccination and give them “elite access” to vaccination clinics. These centers include local,federal, and state law enforcement.

In fact, I was involved in the process of getting the CEO and senior executives of a Fortune 100 company early access to the vaccination. They flew to our location so they could get it because it wasn’t available in other locations.

As time went on my health was getting worse… I was gaining weight at a rapid pace and I did not feel great. I live in the deep blue state of Illinois and the governor of my state has some ofthe most severe mandates. PS we’re still in a disaster declaration.

What made me decide to stand up and fight back after all of this? It wasn’t my deteriorating health it was my children. My son has autism and schools got to violate his services in thename of “COVID”

From a Beach in Flordia, I started a local non-profit, Speak for Students. To goal was to advocate for kids and to stop the mandates. It was from this initiative I met [Thomas DeVore] and [John Ruhlin]. I still ignored my condition.

That’s what I did…. I fought for my children and other’s children to ensure they could have the free choice to mask or not mask, to vaccinate or not vaccinate. I helped my local county board pass a “mask and vaccine choice” resolution. I still ignored mycondition.

After our success, JB Pritzker decided to put the mandates back in play at the request of the [Chicago Teachers Union] and others. I wasn’t having it… I saw how his emergency management staff was colluding with schools, local health departments, andCorporate America.

By this time, the company I workedfor had shifted their messaging from the #BestofBoth to the #BestforAll because they wanted to close the facility that [Donald Trump] helped re-open. Why? Because “Steel Making” is not “Green,” and sacrificed PEOPLE for PROFITS

Watch his interview below:

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