
TGP’s Jim Hoft on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson on Dishonorable Republicans and the Secret Sleeper Movement in America (VIDEO)

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Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit published Bill Hennessy’s report on the new Missouri Republican Speaker who is threatening members not to disclose publicly how members vote.

Former and current members of the Missouri House of Representatives are warning that new Republican House members will be prohibited from posting on social media how members vote. This is the latest move by incoming Speaker Dean Plocher to muzzle conservatives.

And a confirmation of Plocher’s and Patterson’s threat:

Confirmed today this did happen from a new rep. But nothing new. He pq’d (closed debate) conservatives all the time on critical legislation as floor leader. But now it’s gonna get ugly.

Plocher and Patterson are chamber-of-commerce Republicans who use political office to tip the scales in favor of special interests that do them favors. Grifters who cross-dress as conservatives to fool voters, like a drag show for politicians.

On Thursday The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft went on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson on Lindell TV to discuss this troubling move by the incoming Missouri Speaker.

The discussion also included the “secret sleeper” movement by Democrats in America to infiltrate the conservative ranks and destroy the party from within.

We have reported on this extensively at The Gateway Pundit.

Here is our interview from Thursday.

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