
Racist Dad Meets Son’s Black Bride During Wedding, He Looks Closer & Ruins Everything!

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David met his son’s Black bride during the wedding, and he wanted nothing at all to do with her. He simply detested her because of her skin color, and for that single reason, he decided to ruin the wedding.

David stared at his reflection in the tall and elegant mirror in his hotel room. He carefully adjusted his black tie as he admired how his three-piece suit clung to his body. It was a perfect fit. They would have paid a fortune for the outfit, and now, staring at the mirror, he knew every penny spent was worth it. It was a perfect suit for a perfect occasion.

A smile spread across David’s face. It was his son’s wedding. Harry, his only child, was finally getting married. David still found it hard to believe how time flew. Who would have thought that he would have a father-in-law at this age? It felt like it was yesterday that he carried Harry in his arms as a baby. The memories of his boy as a boy were still fresh in his mind. He and his wife, Madeline, had loved Harry with everything within them. Harry had brought them undiluted and unending joy as he grew, and he never stopped making them proud as a kid. Now, his little boy was already about to start his own family. It felt so surreal. Madeline would have been overjoyed.

A tear slipped down David’s face as he thought of his wife. “Oh dear Madeline, I wish you were here. I wish you had the chance to see your baby boy get married. Your presence would have made our joy complete,” David soliloquized.

Madeline had been a lovely wife and mother. She was everything David could ever ask for in a wife and mother. She had the kindest of hearts that sometimes David felt she was overstretching her kindness. While David was big on trust and mostly skeptical, Madeline was hospitable and accommodating, treating everyone like family. She had made their family complete, but death had snatched her away, leaving David and Harry without a female figure in their lives. Madeline’s death had shattered David and almost offset his balance, but deep down he knew he had to let go and move on at some point, for Harry’s sake. The world never deserved someone as pure as Madeline anyway. David took solace in the fact that her legacy lived on in Harry.

David quickly put some finishing touches on his outfit, grabbed his keys and wallet, did a final check in the mirror, and dashed downstairs to join his driver, who was growing impatient. On the way to church, David made a mental note to apologize to the driver for taking too long. He had flown all the way from his town to the state where Harry lived, so he couldn’t bring his car. Harry had assigned them a car and driver, but clearly, the driver didn’t care if David was the groom’s father. He had a fixed time schedule to meet, and he was bent on keeping to it.

The drive to the church was rather smooth. David was almost dozing off when the driver pulled up at the magnificent cathedral. He stepped out of the car and walked into the towering building, his excitement mounting. The church was almost filled with people. He knew only a few, and an usher, quickly recognizing him as the father of the groom, directed him to the front row where a special seat had been specifically reserved for him. David quietly sat down as he took in the beauty of the interior of the cathedral. It was indeed the perfect destination for a wedding. Harry couldn’t have chosen a better place, David mused.

David trusted his son’s taste in almost everything. It might seem weird and rather odd that he had not seen Harry’s bride, but he didn’t mind. He trusted Harry. They lived in different states, thousands of miles apart, so it wasn’t possible for the couple to pay a visit. David had only spoken on the phone several times with Harry when he broke the news of the wedding to him. All the plans for the occasion were also discussed on the phone. Though he had been a little bit skeptical, Harry had assured him that he had made the best choice in a bride. Besides, he wanted it to be a surprise for David as well. And sure enough, it was.

The whole arrangement made David doubly excited. He couldn’t wait to see what beautiful damsel Harry was going to spend the rest of his life with. David wanted nothing less than the best for Harry. Though he had different suggestions of sophisticated and well-doing ladies to recommend for Harry, he had decided against it. He knew Madeline would have wanted Harry to make his choice himself, so he gave him that. He had no idea that he would come to regret this decision.

Soft hymns floated through the hall as they waited for the arrival of the bride and groom. As the sweet melodies coming from the gigantic organ wafted through David’s ears, he couldn’t help but go down memory lane. Madeline had been his childhood crush. However, Madeline’s parents had turned down his proposal to marry their daughter. They felt he was not financially stable enough to build a family with Madeline. Enraged, David had gone off to college, determined to prove Madeline’s parents wrong.

He had graduated top of his class and was soon employed in a reputable firm where he earned a six-figure salary. He returned to marry Madeline six years later after he had reached financial freedom. David and Madeline’s marriage was like a match made in heaven. The couple complemented each other in almost everything. Unfortunately, something was lacking in their home: a child. The couple had tried several methods, but all seemed futile.

For five years, they remained childless. David was almost about to suggest adoption when, like a miracle, Madeline took in. The couple were overjoyed, and when the scan showed that they were going to have a baby boy, their joy was over the roof. Nine months later, Madeline had an effortless childbirth and Harry was born. His birth ushered in a new dimension of joy and peace in their home. The little baby had brought completion to their family.

Though David and Madeline tried to bear more children, their doctor advised against it. Madeline was already close to the end of her childbearing age, and getting pregnant again at that critical stage could come with severe complications. Also, childbearing might cost her life or that of the new baby during labor. David and Madeline accepted their fate in good faith. They had Harry, and he was more than enough for them. For David, Harry was worth more than ten children because he brought them nothing but pure joy. They showered him with so much love and affection, ensuring that he lacked absolutely nothing. Harry, on the other hand, was the sweetest boy.

He was way smarter than children of his age. His parents enrolled him into the best school their money could afford, and Harry did not disappoint. He proved to be brilliant as he topped in all his classes. He quickly won the hearts of his teachers, who wouldn’t stop praising his academic prowess. David and Madeline were indeed proud of their little boy, and they excitedly watched him grow into a promising young lad.

Unfortunately, life had taken a wrong turn when Madeline got sick and died months later. It shook their world and tore the strings that held them together as a lovely family of three. David had grieved for months. Harry was equally affected. To prevent him from falling into depression, David had sent Harry off to college in another state. He had hoped that it would give him the opportunity to heal, and he was right. His boy had healed and even fallen in love, and now he was getting married. He was finally going to have another woman in his life after his mother.

David beamed with joy as the pastor announced the entrance of the couple. They all stood up as the groom walked in first. David’s smile broke into a cheeky grin as Harry walked in, radiant as ever. David couldn’t help but see himself in Harry. As Harry approached the altar, he looked around the congregation, obviously searching for his father. As soon as he spotted David, a broad smile spread across his young face as he walked briskly toward him for a brief hug. “I’m so proud of you, son,” David muttered. “I can’t wait to see the new addition to the family.” They hugged a little while longer before David gently nudged Harry to the altar, where he could stand to wait for his bride.

Now it was time to welcome the bride. The wide doors of the cathedral opened to let her in. Clad in a glistening and brilliant white gown, she was like an angel sent down from heaven. The lady was tall and elegant and walked with such grace that David wondered if she was from a royal family. As she walked towards the altar, David stretched to see his soon-to-be daughter-in-law clearly. Unfortunately, she had a translucent veil which extended from her head down to her cleavage. David sighed in anticipation. He would have to wait till Harry removed her veil to get a clear picture of her, but something seemed off about the woman. He couldn’t figure out what.

Once she got to where Harry was waiting, the priest gave consent for the veil to be removed. The boy, grinning, Harry, slowly pulled the veil off his bride’s face. All of a sudden, David felt blood drain out of his veins. He could not believe his eyes. Harry’s wife-to-be was a Black woman! How he so detested Black folks. To aggravate matters, David took a closer look and realized the Black bride was none other than Summer. Summer was part of Harry’s past life that David thought he had eliminated. How did she resurface again when he thought he had gotten rid of her? Unable to contain his rage, David’s next action ruined everything.

“No way!” David screamed at the top of his voice. The jubilant congregation suddenly fell

silent in shock. Harry was filled with horror as he watched his dad walk up to him and Summer, spewing profanities.

“There’s absolutely no way I will let you marry this woman,” David screamed. “I will not let my son stoop so low as to get entangled with a poor, lowly servant and a gold digger like her.”

At that moment, the hush that had fallen over the church suddenly gave way to an uproar. It felt like a war scene, with Harry and David exchanging heated words and the helpless Summer crying. The officiating minister, momentarily thrown into shock, regained his composure and quickly took the family into the dressing room while other workers tried their best to restore order among the congregation.

Now, in the privacy of the dressing room, the priest glanced confusingly from father to son and to Summer, who wouldn’t stop weeping. He was totally lost. He had never experienced the drama that had just played out throughout his years as a priest. He needed an explanation as soon as possible. Harry, who had calmed down a bit, sensed the priest’s confusion and decided to tell their story

As an only child, Harry had everything he ever asked for. He had all the love and attention from his parents. He went to the best of schools and got everything he ever wanted. But Harry had just one problem: he had no one to play with. All the toys he had were never enough to replace a playmate. After a while, he grew fond of a little girl in his neighborhood. The family had employed the services of a house cleaner who usually came to clean the house during weekends. The cleaner was a Black single mother who had a little daughter of 6 years.

David had disapproved of having a Black woman in his household. He hated Black people. David wanted nothing to do with them, but Madeline had insisted on having the lady who was kind and hardworking. David loved his wife and would do anything for her, so he had no choice but to give in. He could tolerate them working for him, but he did not hate them any less.

Mrs. Lowe was a lovely woman. She had a very charming nature that made it impossible for one not to love her. She had been an uneducated housewife who depended on her husband to provide for the family needs. Her job description had been to cook, clean, and take care of their daughter, Summer.

Unfortunately, when Summer was only four, Mrs. Lowe’s husband had been hit by a speeding truck. He died on the spot, leaving her alone to care for Summer. It was in a bid to find a job to sustain and keep them alive that she had met Madeline, who was equally kind-hearted. Within a week, Madeline had employed her.

Mrs. Lowe would always bring Summer along to the house. She was too young to stay in the house all by herself, so it was right that she came along. It felt like a perfect arrangement because she soon bonded with Harry, who was only 2 years older. Soon, Harry and Summer became the best of friends. Harry would look forward to the weekends when the Lowes came with so much excitement.

It was obvious the two kids had become inseparable. Madeline found it cute and encouraged the friendship. She was secretly glad that Harry had found someone to spend time with. She knew how lonely he had always been playing all by himself and had always felt a pang of guilt for not being able to have another child. But everything had changed when Summer came into the picture. The lonely days were over for Harry, and he totally enjoyed the new experience of having a playmate and companion.

Sadly, David did not feel the same. He frowned at the friendship and would grunt his disapproval. He didn’t want his golden boy to be seen mingling with what he considered the lowly Black child of a servant. But kind Madeline would have none of that. “They’re just kids, David,” she would always say. “They will probably get over this fondness as they grow.” She told her husband that to keep him calm, but in her heart, she was rooting for the two kids.

They seemed to complement each other so well it warmed her heart. Unfortunately for David, they didn’t get over their fondness for each other. The kids grew up into teenagers, and their childhood fondness metamorphosed into teenage love. Madeline came to adore Summer even more. She took her like the daughter she never had, and when it seemed that Mrs. Lowe couldn’t afford to send Summer to high school, Madeline quickly intervened. She enrolled Summer into the same school as Harry and promised to sponsor her to any level of her choice.

From that point, Summer and Harry became inseparable. Now they could see each other every day in school without having to wait till the weekend when Mrs. Lowe came with Summer for cleaning. Everything was perfect until a catastrophe struck. Madeline slumped in the kitchen one day and was immediately rushed to the hospital.

Moments later, the doctors gave them the devastating news: Madeline had stage three cancer. She didn’t have long to live, so it was advisable that the family said their goodbyes before her condition deteriorated. The family was thrown into great turmoil as the news was a lot to handle. They spent every day with Madeline in the hospital, giving her the best memories that would be her last and secretly praying that a miracle would happen. Summer didn’t miss out on any of those moments either. Mrs. Lowe alone had to return to take care of the house while everyone else was at the hospital.

Unfortunately, five months later, Madeline succumbed to the hands of death. The family grieved her each in their own way, but they took solace in the fact that her last days were filled with great memories. While David mourned in private, Harry found comfort in Summer’s presence. She never left his side throughout the dark moments.

With Madeline gone, David’s hatred for Summer and her mom heightened. He finally saw them as a channel to vent his anger and grief, and there was no one to stop him. Without prior notice, David fired Mrs. Lowe and for no just cause stopped Summer’s high school funding. With their only source of livelihood taken away from them, Summer and her mom were thrown into the streets. David ensured he cut off all means of communication.

When Harry noticed Summer’s consistent absence from school, he became deeply worried. Mrs. Lowe had stopped coming to the house as well. When he questioned his dad, David lied that they had stolen from him, so he had fired them immediately. Harry’s grief was doubled. First, he was still mourning his mom, and now his best friend was gone from his life as well. He slowly sank into depression. David, afraid for his son, sent him off to an Ivy League university in another state. He hoped Harry would be able to move on in a new environment and forget about his old flame, Summer.

For five years, Harry engrossed himself in his studies and finally graduated top of his class. At his graduation party, he shockingly met Summer again. Harry felt it was a small world indeed. Summer had come to celebrate with a friend who had also graduated. The two lovebirds screamed in shock as they embraced each other. Harry hugged her so tightly, fearing that she might disappear again if he let her go.

After some catching up, they kicked off again from where they had left, this time committing to a serious relationship. Nine months later, Harry and Summer were engaged to get married the following month. Harry had gotten a job with a multimillion-dollar company shortly after his graduation and also bought a three-bedroom apartment in his name.

Once the date for their wedding had been fixed, Harry finally called David to inform him. He intentionally did not want David to know who his bride was because he wasn’t sure about his reaction. He didn’t know that Summer’s mom had been unfairly let go and Summer’s school funding cut short because Summer never talked about it. Her mother had never told her the truth to protect her.

As Harry concluded his story, he looked David in the eyes and said, “It’s either Summer or nothing.”

When Harry had finished, Summer finally found the opportunity to add her own side of the story. Summer revealed that after they had been kicked out into the streets, they begged for alms for weeks on end until fate smiled on them in a most unusual manner.

A wealthy Good Samaritan named James found them sleeping on the streets one bitterly cold night and, out of pity, he offered them a place to stay for the night. The following day, James employed Mrs. Lowe as a domestic worker in his huge mansion where she and Summer moved in. James was a 59-year-old widower, and he was also childless.

Over time, James gradually but surely fell in love with Mrs. Lowe. Things happened really fast between the new lovers, and barely a year later, James lawfully got married to Summer’s mom in a court wedding. He also carried out all legal procedures to formally adopt Summer as his daughter. Like a dream, Summer and her mom’s lives were transformed overnight from homeless beggars to that of a millionaire’s wife and heir. Sadly, James, who was hypertensive, died six years later. He had willed his entire fortune, businesses, and estates to his wife, who became the legal owner after his death.

Summer concluded her story, making it clear to David that she was no longer the poor daughter of a domestic worker that he used to know. It hurt her to hear him call her a gold digger, and she wanted to let him know he was wrong. Reality seemed to finally dawn on David. He suddenly felt remorseful and looked quite gloomy. He realized how shameful his behavior had been and how he had sullied his late wife’s kindness by casting Summer and her mom onto the streets out of mere prejudices and misplaced pain.

David then promptly fell on his knees before his son and bride and pleaded for their forgiveness. “I hope, Dad, that you finally learned that nobody deserves to be looked down on because of their skin color or wealth. Despite everything you did to throw Summer and me apart, God still found a way to unite us,” Harry blurted out to David.

Harry and Summer forgave David with all their heart. After all, he was a tool in the hands of fate to change Summer’s condition to a better one. The wedding was rescheduled and held the following weekend. Harry and Summer lived in love and happily ever after.

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