
Coffin Suddenly Starts To Shake During The Funeral. Opening It, Priest SCREAMS “GOD, NO!”

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Betty’s coffin suddenly started shaking during her funeral. The officiating priest screamed, “God, no!” When the coffin was opened, what happened next was unbelievable.

George dejectedly stood at the front pew of the old Gothic-style church as some gloomy-looking men, all dressed in black suits, wheeled the coffin into the church. It was his beloved wife Betty’s funeral service, and he had vowed not to break down in tears. However, the depressing requiem sung by the choir did not help him one bit. George’s eyes were as red as hot coals, as he had been crying inconsolably since the news of Betty’s death hit him like a missile the day earlier. Hence, there were basically no tears left in him. Yet, as he stood there in the midst of a sea of relatives, friends, and well-wishers, and watched the undertakers, George just couldn’t help but wipe his eyes with his folded white handkerchief.

The four men gently placed the coffin down on the raised white platform in front of the altar. The men in black then dispersed at once like the trained undertakers they were. It was then time for the priest to bless the coffin. The officiating priest, Father Daman, bowed before the altar as he made his way to the coffin, carrying burning incense with him.

Father Daman was standing in front of the coffin, spreading the incense all around and blessing the corpse, when it happened. The coffin suddenly started shaking—or so it seemed to the priest. At first, the priest thought that his old, tired eyes were playing some sort of trick on him. So, with the incense seemingly frozen in the air in his left hand, Father Daman wiped his eyes with his right palm before he took a long, hard look at the coffin. It was still shaking, ever so slightly.

“My God, what is happening?” Father Daman, looking like someone who had just seen a ghost, screamed in utter disbelief while crossing and recrossing himself. George was the first person to rush to the priest. Father Daman, who was still looking quite stunned and shivering with fear, just pointed at the shaking coffin. George glanced at the coffin, and to his utter astonishment, it was indeed slightly shaking. George let out a loud scream and collapsed on the floor. The whole church was thrown into pandemonium. Some guests were rushing to the shaking coffin, while others rushed to a collapsed George. Everyone just seemed to be running helter-skelter.

A crowd immediately gathered around the priest and coffin. Everyone just stood there, staring at the still shaking coffin in sheer bewilderment. There were loud screams, cries, and murmurings of disbelief. It was total chaos, just like in the movies. Soon, a man in the crowd came rushing to the fainted George with a bottle of chilled water. The man emptied the bottle of water on George’s face while some others tried other measures to revive him. The chilled water made an immediate impact on George as he slowly opened his eyes and started coughing. Murmurs of joy went through the crowds gathered around George at once.

Meanwhile, Betty’s only sister Veronica, who was among the first people to rise to her sister’s coffin, had been passionately and desperately pleading with Father Daman to open the coffin. In the time it took for George to come to, the priest, who was finally ready to oblige Veronica’s request, did open the coffin—but not before crossing himself three times.

“Oh God, no,” was Father Daman’s cry when he finally opened the coffin’s lid, and he and the entire gathered crowd were treated to their worst nightmare. Betty was a 31-year-old woman. She had lost her parents in a ghastly murder accident when she was 19 years old and already in college. It was Betty’s elder sister Veronica, who was six years older than her and already working in a bank, that saw her through college. The sisters maintained an unbreakable bond between them.

Betty was lucky enough to secure a modest-paying job at a political consultancy and lobbying firm almost immediately upon her graduation from college. That was where she met her husband, the handsome George, who was a young aspiring politician and had visited the firm on behalf of his boss, Johnson, the city’s mayor. It was love at first sight between the then 24-year-old Betty and 29-year-old George.

Over time, the duo were fully dating, and their romance kept blossoming. Betty wasn’t particularly beautiful; she was best described as plain looking, but she was so nice, humble, and kind. In fact, Betty was such a sweet soul. Needless to say, it was Betty’s awesome personality that endeared her to George, and not her looks.

For Betty, George was the perfect man. He was tall, handsome, and quite ambitious, determined to make it big in the brutal world of politics. Soon enough, Betty moved in with George. Barely a year after they met, George proposed to Betty, and she gladly accepted the proposal.

A few months later, the lovebirds had a simple and modest wedding. The marriage was really a blissful one. It was indeed a match made in heaven. Despite the fact that the couple remained childless, Betty and George tried everything possible to have a baby of their own. They went for countless fertility tests, all of which confirmed that there was nothing medically wrong with either of them, fertility-wise.

The couple consulted numerous fertility experts, most of whom placed them on special diets and fertility supplements, which the couple religiously adhered to, but all to no avail. At long last, George and Betty seemed to have finally accepted their fate of childlessness, and they basically kept waiting for their own time to have kids. However, the couple kept living in sheer peace and harmony. They appeared to be so much in love with each other. Betty and George were the perfect happy couple.

At the time of the couple’s first meeting, George worked as a senior personal assistant to the then-incumbent mayor of the city, Mr. Johnson. The old mayor was quite loved by the city folk. He was widowed and childless too. As a senior PA, George was Mr. Johnson’s right-hand man. He served the old mayor so dedicatedly that, with time, the relationship between the two grew beyond a professional one. Mr. Johnson basically started seeing George as the son he never had.

The mayor couldn’t go to any events without George by his side, nor could he take any major decisions without consulting his trusted and reliable personal assistant. The bonds between both men grew to the extent that Mr. Johnson started delegating some of his mayoral duties to George, who proved his political astuteness over and over again by the effective manner in which he handled such duties. Mr. Johnson was 75 and had been mayor of the city for the past two decades.

He was increasingly ailing and frail. Hence, the old mayor wished to retire at the end of his term in office, which was to end in a year’s time, for some much-needed rest. But the city folk were having none of that due to the sheer love they had for the mayor because of his immense contributions to the city’s economic development and airtight security throughout his long term in office. The majority of the city’s populace tried to persuade Mr. Johnson to run once again in the upcoming mayoral elections—an election which everyone knew was simply going to be a walkover for the popular mayor.

But Mr. Johnson had already made up his mind to retire, so he politely declined the offer and instead promised his supporters that he would name a worthy successor who would carry on his good works from where he stopped. And who else did Mr. Johnson name as his successor if not his trusted political protégé, George? Hence, leading up to the elections, it was quite certain that George would easily beat his two main rivals to the position of mayor. It was almost a foregone conclusion that he would win a landslide victory due to Mr. Johnson’s endorsement.

George was, of course, overjoyed when Mr. Johnson named him as his successor. It had always been his dream to follow in his political mentor’s footsteps as the city’s mayor. George obviously saw the position as a perfect springboard for his ambitious political dreams.

Betty, on her part, was equally happy for her husband’s growing popularity and achievements in his political career. She used her expertise and connections as a major staff member in the big political consultancy firm she worked at to great effect in helping his campaign. It was even Betty that formulated a resounding manifesto for George’s campaign. She surely did contribute her quota to her beloved husband’s mayoral bid.

But tragedy struck barely two weeks to the eagerly anticipated election. Betty collapsed in her office less than two hours after she had arrived for work that morning. Betty’s colleagues rushed her to the hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. George was overwhelmed with sorrow when the sad news of his beloved wife’s death reached him.

He was in the midst of a meeting with his campaign staff and volunteers when the hospital called to inform him of Betty’s demise. The telephone fell out of George’s hand out of shock. He then promptly burst into tears and cried uncontrollably like a baby. It took the combined efforts of some of George’s closest aides and campaign volunteers to calm him down.

George gave a very emotional live press release later that evening after he had been to the hospital and seen Betty’s remains. The press release was widely covered by local journalists and aired by local news channels. While speaking in the press release, George, who was flanked by a legion of aides and supporters alike, firmly accused his political enemies of being behind his wife’s shocking death.

According to George’s claims, his political enemies had somehow managed to poison Betty with some sort of slow-acting poison as she took the train to her workplace that morning. George was certain that his political enemies killed his wife to scare him away from running in the upcoming election. Then, to loud cheers of support, George concluded the press release by vowing to bury Betty according to her personal wishes the following day, after which he would duly move on with his campaign despite the tragic circumstances.

That’s what Betty would have wanted,” he said. Despite the cheering crowd behind him, George just couldn’t help but burst into tears at the tail end of his speech. His closest aides rushed to console him at once and they led George away from the podium. It was quite an enormous press release, to say the least. George stuck to his vow to bury Betty the day following her death. With the help of his aides and enough funds at his disposal, George was able to arrange everything for the funeral and burial in such a short time span.

It was during the funeral service that Father Daman noticed that Betty’s coffin was shaking. George had recovered from his fainting spell and was being supported to stand on his feet when Father Daman opened Betty’s coffin after Veronica had desperately pleaded with him to do so. As the priest finally opened the coffin’s lid, everyone surrounding the coffin was horrified. Lying inside the coffin, Betty was breathing ever so slightly, her eyes still closed and her legs subconsciously kicking around, which was the reason for the coffin’s shaking. All hell broke loose inside the church once the coffin was opened.

Some people among the crowd ran away from the coffin in utter horror; others screamed and made a cacophony of shocking noises. As for Father Daman, he still stood in front of the opened coffin, paralyzed with shock while still crossing and recrossing himself. When George got closer to the coffin, he glanced into it and immediately burst into tears, which sounded like a mixture of tears of joy and sorrow. “My beloved Betty, I knew you would surely come back to me, my love,” George kept screaming amid heavy tears.

It was only Veronica who seemed to know the right thing to do at that most horrifying scene. The moment she had recovered from her initial shock after seeing Betty breathing slightly, Veronica ran out of the noisy church. Then, once outside, she brought out her phone and with shaking hands, Veronica dialed the emergency line. As soon as the emergency staff came on the line, Veronica breathlessly told them of the situation and gave them the church’s address. Barely ten minutes later, the loud sirens of the ambulance were heard blazing outside the church.

The emergency personnel were soon seen rushing into the church with a stretcher. Inside the church that was still in total chaos, the emergency workers made straight for the coffin. They then lifted Betty onto the stretcher and rushed her to the ambulance outside. Veronica jumped into the ambulance before it sped off to the nearest hospital. George, with some of his closest aides, followed the ambulance in his SUV. At the hospital, Betty was promptly rushed to the Intensive Care Unit where a team of doctors worked for almost three hours to revive her.

After the doctors had successfully revived Betty, the chief doctor walked into the waiting room where George, Veronica, and others were all nervously but hopefully waiting for the news of her revival. The doctor announced their success at fully reviving Betty to the general joy of all those in the room. The doctor then turned to George, who had been fervently pacing up and down the room before the doctor’s arrival, and informed him that he wished to have a word with him in his office. Once there, the doctor ushered George into the cozy chair in front of his desk. He then cleared his throat before revealing to George that traces of poison had been found in Betty’s system.

“I said it, didn’t I?” George quickly blurted out at the mention of the word “poison.” “My political enemies poisoned my beloved Betty just to scare me away from running in the elections, but God has foiled their plans and my love survived,” George finished with a rueful smile. The doctor completely ignored George’s antics and resumed his revelations.

According to the doctor, the poison was a slow-acting one and the effects would take as much as two hours to kick in. But fortunately for Betty, and unfortunately for the person or people who attempted to poison her, the poison had expired. Hence, even though it was still potent enough to knock Betty off into a coma, the poison’s effects were already starting to wear off when Betty started kicking around inside the coffin.

George left the doctor’s office looking really downcast. As it was a case of attempted murder, the cops were duly involved. The chief doctor advised the detectives to give Betty four days to recover fully before they interrogated her. The two detectives had no choice but to comply with the doctor’s directive.

Meanwhile, the astonishing news of Betty’s miraculous resurrection, like the biblical Lazarus, was making the rounds across the news platforms. George seized the opportunity and, together with his aides, he leaked to the general populace the revelation that Betty was indeed poisoned, just like he had always maintained. The revelation led to a massive outpouring of sympathy and support for George from the city folk, with almost all the eligible voters vowing to vote for him in the upcoming mayoral election. There was no doubt whatsoever that George was coasting home to a landslide win on election day.

After the four days had elapsed, the detectives then interrogated Betty, and that was when she made a really shocking revelation. A revelation that came like an unexpected hurricane and that still surely stuns many of the city folk to this very day. When the cops asked Betty if she recalled the last thing she ate before she blacked out, she replied that she did.

According to Betty’s story, it was actually their sixth wedding anniversary, and George had prepared and served her her favorite breakfast in bed with a tall glass of her favorite grape juice. Betty claimed that George had knelt down and profusely apologized to her for an issue they were having before, and she happily accepted the meal and drink from him. Betty further revealed that she had finished the meal and juice to George’s obvious delight. He had then hugged her tightly and professed his undying love for her, after which she had quickly prepared for work and left the house for the office. That was the very last thing she remembered.

After Betty’s incredible revelation, the two detectives stared at each other for a while in absolute bewilderment. Then they asked Betty if she remembered what the issue she was having with George was about. Betty then opened up about her suspicion over George having an affair with his female chief aide and campaign manager, a 23-year-old stunningly beautiful girl named Jenny. It happened that about a month earlier, she was sitting on her matrimonial bed watching TV one night when George’s phone, that was lying on the bed, beeped with an incoming text.

George, who according to Betty had been acting quite suspicious before then, literally went everywhere with his phone. But that particular night, he had stomach issues and was with her in the room when nature’s call to desperately use the toilet arose. That was the sole reason he had forgotten to take his phone with him. Betty had instinctively picked up the phone and read the text, and to her utter dismay, the text was a love message from Jenny reminding George how much she missed and loved him. Betty was close to tears as she told the detectives that she had been so hurt and heartbroken that she madly confronted George about the text when he came back into the room.

The couple had a heated argument over the issue, as George firmly maintained that it was Jenny who was after him and not the other way around. He even claimed to Betty that Jenny had done everything possible to seduce him, but that he had been rejecting her advances all this while. Betty didn’t believe George one bit, as he had been displaying all the telltale signs of cheating prior to that day. So, she threatened to institute divorce proceedings against him if she discovered after her personal investigations that he was actually having an affair with Jenny. Betty then concluded her long revelations by telling the detectives that it was barely a week after the heated argument that George had prepared her the wedding anniversary meal as part of his apologies.

With much to think about, the two detectives thanked Betty for her cooperation and left. After Betty’s shocking revelations, it was clear to even a toddler that George was responsible for poisoning her. So, the cops promptly went in search of George at his home, but George was nowhere to be found. The cops also went in search of Jenny as a potential accessory to attempted murder, but just like her boss, it seemed that Jenny had suddenly disappeared into thin air. The city’s police department extended their dragnet for the two suspects and raised the tempo of the search.

Three days later, the cops’ efforts finally bore fruit as George and Jenny were intercepted on a lonely highway by an eagle-eyed patrol team as they were trying to slip out of the city in the middle of the night. The two were arrested at once and brought in for interrogation. After a lengthy period of trying to play smart with his interrogators, George finally broke under the mounting pressure and confessed that he had been having an affair with Jenny since she started working as his aide and that the two of them had planned to poison Betty to death out of fear that she would go ahead with her divorce threats, which would of course expose him as an adulterer and ruin his chances of winning the upcoming election.

The duo had reasoned that poisoning Betty and pinning the murder on his political opponents would also surely win him the sympathies of the city folk, which would only be good for his campaign. According to Jenny’s own confessions, George had been totally obsessed with her from the very first day she came to his office for an interview. She also revealed that they had gone into hiding in an abandoned warehouse when George learned that the detectives would soon interrogate Betty, and they had planned to escape over the border to Mexico on the night they were apprehended.

The detectives allowed George to call Betty and beg for her forgiveness before they took him into custody. Betty said nothing throughout the call; she only cried her eyes out. George and Jenny were arraigned for first-degree attempted murder and were both sentenced to life imprisonment. That was how George went from the most popular candidate to win the upcoming mayoral elections to the most popular prisoner in the city.

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