
Man Sees Something Crawling On The Roadside, Then Makes Terrifying Realization (Video)

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Bryant Collins couldn’t believe his eyes and had to stop his truck. he was driving along a highway in Georgia when he thought he saw a baby girl – but that can’t be right, can it?! Sadly, Bryant’s eyes were not playing tricks on him, there was a 15-month old baby about to crawl onto the road!.

Bryant pulled over and snatched the baby up and called the police. The authorities are not sure how the infant had managed to get so far away from home.

The child’s father was arrested, and it is likely that her mother will be behind bars soon. Bryant was released from prison five years ago and felt that God had put him on that road to save that girl.

Take a look at this video

Rescuing the girl made Bryant feel like he could be a part of society and do good. Share away, people.

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