
Baby STOPS Doctor from leaving delivery Room, when the doctor checks on the mother again

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After birth, a baby clings to the doctor and prevents him from leaving the room. When the doctor checks the newborn’s mother again, he immediately calls the police.

Caroline, a young 20-year-old woman, was sitting in the waiting room of the public hospital next to her 21-year-old husband, Henry. They were both waiting for their turn, surrounded by the typical hubbub of the place: mothers with small children, people waiting for news, and the distant sound of someone calling for a chart. The young man ran his hand gently over his wife’s belly, which was already heavily pregnant. She smiled at him—a faint smile, but full of meaning.

After a few minutes, they heard her name being called. They both got up and made their way to the doctor’s office. As soon as they entered, Dr. Sebastian, a man in his 50s with gray hair and a warm expression, greeted them with a smile.

“How are you, Caroline? How have you been?” he asked, as he accompanied her to the stretcher and prepared the ultrasound machine.

“I’m good, Doc. I no longer have any dizziness, no cravings, nothing strange. The last few months have been quiet,” Caroline replied, relieved as she lay on the stretcher with Henry by her side, holding her hand.

The doctor nodded, applying the gel on her belly and beginning the procedure. The sound of heartbeats filled the room—a strong, steady rhythm that made the young parents’ eyes light up with happiness. The doctor moved the device across Caroline’s belly and then confirmed the results with a satisfied smile.

“Look here, he’s fine—strong and healthy, Caroline. In two months’ time, you’re going to give birth to a strong baby boy full of life.”

The young woman took a deep sigh of relief while her husband smiled with emotion. They exchanged a quick glance that said it all. Despite all the difficulties, their love and their wish to give the best to their son were all that mattered.

“Thank you, Doctor,” said Caroline, her voice a little shaken.

Dr. Sebastian just nodded and walked them to the door, expecting to see her only on the day of the delivery. The couple left the hospital hand-in-hand, and as they walked toward the bus stop, they talked about the future.

“Do you think we’ll be able to get things settled by the time the baby comes, honey?” Caroline asked, her voice low but firm. “We haven’t got anything ready yet—not even the crib.”

“We’ll manage, sweetheart,” said Henry, trying to sound confident. “I’ll work as hard as I have to. Our son will have everything he needs. Maybe I’ll get some steady jobs. I know it won’t be easy, but we’ll make it happen.”

Caroline smiled and squeezed his hand. The way to the bus stop was familiar, full of people coming and going, and they walked slowly, as Caroline’s belly was weighing her down. They lived on the outskirts of LA, in a two-room rented house, which they paid for with a lot of effort. Caroline worked selling sweets downtown, while Henry did odd jobs as a bricklayer. How much they earned was always uncertain, but the certainty of the love they shared kept them going.

When they arrived at the bus stop, Caroline smoothed down the blond hair that fell over her face. She and Henry, despite their simplicity, drew attention for their beauty. Her blue eyes and his green eyes stood out, and the connection between them was obvious. Henry, with his strong body from hard work, always kept a protective eye on her. People passed by, some casting curious glances, but the couple remained oblivious to the world around them, absorbed in each other’s company.

While they were waiting for the bus, Caroline was leaning against Henry, resting when a woman approached them. She looked about 40, dressed in simple clothes with a colorful scarf over her hair.

“Hello, darlings. My name is Charlotte. Can I talk to you for a moment?” said the woman, looking at Caroline’s belly and smiling gently.

Caroline and Henry looked at each other, a little surprised but curious. Trying to be polite, the young woman replied, “Nice to meet you. I’m Caroline, and this is Henry, my husband.”

The young woman adjusted her posture, not knowing what to expect from the conversation.

“What a beautiful couple you two make! I was just over there and couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you two are and, of course, that cute little belly there. Do you live around here?” commented Charlotte, smiling.

Caroline and Henry looked at each other again, somewhat suspiciously. Henry took a deep breath before answering.

“Actually, we live in a more remote neighborhood,” he said, without going into too much detail. He didn’t like to share too much about their lives with strangers.

Charlotte smiled in a way that made Henry even more uncomfortable and alert. There was something in her gaze that seemed strange, as if she was drawing some conclusion about them that he didn’t understand. The young man then decided to be more direct.

“So, what do you want from us, ma’am?” he asked, his green eyes narrowed with curiosity.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be nosy,” Charlotte said, raising her hands in an apologetic gesture. “Uh, it’s just that I’m part of an organization that helps pregnant women and first-time parents. We give support, that sort of thing. Do you already have the baby’s trousseau—the cradle, the clothes?” she asked casually, but taking a good look at the couple.

Caroline sighed. Financial worries were something that troubled her mind every day.

“We’re going through a difficult time; we don’t have much yet,” she replied with a hesitant tone.

The stranger nodded, as if she already knew the answer.

“I see. Maybe our organization can help you. We have some donations, as well as guidance and consultations for those who need it. Perhaps you’d be interested?”

Henry frowned suspiciously as Caroline looked at him, trying to decide what to do. The idea of receiving help was tempting, and anything that could improve the baby’s life was something to consider.

Charlotte continued, “Can I take your phone number? I’ll get in touch and explain more about how everything works.”

There was a moment of silence during which Caroline looked at Henry again, searching for an answer. The young man just shrugged, resigned. He too was suspicious, but the hope of getting something for the baby seemed stronger than his worries.

“Sure, here it is,” said Caroline at last. She gave her number to Charlotte, who quickly wrote it down.

“Great! I’ll be in touch soon. It’ll be good for you, I’m sure,” said Charlotte, smiling before saying goodbye and going on her way.

Soon afterward, the bus arrived, and Caroline and Henry got on, still a little disconcerted by the conversation they had just had. The journey home was a long one, more than an hour in the crowded bus. When they arrived, they were very tired, but Caroline wasted no time—she had to prepare the sweets to sell the next day. She went straight to the small kitchen, and Henry, who didn’t have a job at the moment, helped her with the preparation of the delicacies.

Later, exhausted, the two of them threw themselves on the bed, the small TV still on, echoing some show. Caroline was almost asleep when the phone rang. She got up, grabbed the phone from the bedside table, and answered it, still a little drowsy.

“Hello?” she said, her voice tired.

“Good evening, Caroline. It’s Charlotte,” the voice sounded familiar on the other end of the line. “I hope I’m not calling too late. I wanted to tell you that I’ve managed to get you an appointment at a private clinic.”

Caroline blinked, confused. “A private clinic? Oh no, thanks. I already have my own doctor; I go to the public hospital. I even took my last ultrasound today. My baby is fine.”

“Oh, I see. But this doctor is very renowned and is also part of our organization. She’ll be able to certify that everything is fine with the baby, and from there, we’ll be able to help you and Henry in other ways.”

Caroline remained silent, hesitating. Something seemed a little off about the whole thing, but at the same time, there was a promise of help that she couldn’t ignore.

“I understand that it may be sudden, but please consider it. The address is Maple Street 320. If you can be there tomorrow at 9, that would be great—oh, and preferably alone, to make the appointment easier,” insisted Charlotte.

Caroline nodded slowly, although Charlotte couldn’t see her.

“Okay, I’ll be there.”

After hanging up, Caroline looked at Henry, who was lying next to her, listening to everything. His face expressed the same doubt that Caroline felt.

“She wants you to go alone?” asked Henry suspiciously. “Sounds very fishy, honey.”

“I know, love, but if it means some help for our son, I think it’s worth a try. Tomorrow, we’ll go together to check it out, okay?” said Caroline, trying to reassure her husband.

Henry nodded, although worry was clear in his eyes. They were tired, and the future was always a hazy cloud, but that night, there was hope—a new possibility, even if it was full of uncertainty.

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