
After giving birth, my mother fell into a coma, after seeing the ultrasound, the doctor screamed!

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Lily gave birth to twins, and the joy of their birth quickly gave way to anxiety. After giving birth, her condition deteriorated sharply. She was in severe pain and was unable to care for her newborns. Lily knew she needed help and decided to see a doctor.

After examination, it turned out that she had serious problems that required immediate intervention. Lily and her husband, Mike, went to the hospital and faced long hours of waiting. Doctors, having studied the test results, reported that Lily’s condition was critical and urgent surgery was necessary.

Lily was scared and didn’t want to go to the hospital, but after seeing her condition worsening, she agreed to the operation, not knowing what exactly would be removed. The operation went quickly, but Lily fell asleep under the influence of anesthesia. Mike remained in the waiting room with the children, worried about his wife’s condition. The doctor assured him that the operation would take about an hour, but Mike could not concentrate on the twins—his thoughts were only about Lily.

Luckily, his mother came to the hospital to help with the babies, which eased his burden a little. While the operation was in full swing, Mike could not help but worry about the future. The babies felt that their mother was in danger, and despite Mike’s efforts to calm them down, they continued to cry. He was desperate and didn’t know how to cope with the situation.

Lily’s condition was stable, but complications arose, and Mike and his mother continued to wait in the waiting room. The doctor came out and said that the operation would take longer than planned. Mike was not allowed to see his wife immediately after the operation, and he was upset. He tried to convince the doctor to let him see Lily but was unsuccessful.

After the operation, when he was finally allowed into the room, Mike found Lily in a coma. The nurse, seeing his concern, allowed Mike to stay with his wife. He was grateful and hoped that Lily would wake up soon. The doctor later reported that Lily’s ovaries were removed—this was necessary to save her.

A few days later, Lily finally woke up. She was in shock at what had happened but knew it was necessary for her survival. Mike was nearby, and when she saw him, she felt relieved. Together, they began to comprehend what had happened and make plans for the future.

With each other’s support, Lily and Mike decided that they would live healthy lives and devote themselves to raising their children. They knew that many difficulties awaited them ahead, but together, they were ready to cope with any challenges that life had in store for them.

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