
Biden Cabinet Member’s Major Conflict Of Interest – Has Final Decision On Issue Daughter Is Lobbying For

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The daughter of Biden’s Interior Secretary Deb Haaland went to Washington D.C. to lobby federal lawmakers for a moratorium on oil and gas leasing near a historical site in New Mexico.

She traveled with other climate activists arguing drilling near the Chaco Culture National Historical Park would do damage to local communities in the area.

According to the report, the Bureau of Land Management is set to agree to the demands made by activists.

The Bureau of Land Management is a sub-agency within the Department of Interior.

Those who oppose the mortarium claim that Haaland has completely ignored a compromise solution that was brought.

Fox News reported:

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s daughter Somah Haaland traveled to Washington, D.C., last week to lobby federal lawmakers to support a moratorium on oil and gas leasing near a historical site in New Mexico.

Somah Haaland – who is a media organizer for the Pueblo Action Alliance, a cultural and environmental group in New Mexico – traveled to Capitol Hill alongside a group of fellow climate activists, according to the environmental group WildEarth Guardians. The activists argued that drilling near the Chaco Culture National Historical Park in northwestern New Mexico would cause irreparable damage to local communities and the environment.

Meanwhile, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a subagency within Secretary Deb Haaland’s Department of Interior (DOI) that is tasked with managing nearly 250 million acres of federal lands, is expected to soon finalize a rule acceding to activists’ demands. Earlier this month, the agency closed a comment period for its proposal to withdraw 351,500 acres of public lands within 10 miles of the Chaco site for 20 years.

The department is completely ignoring a compromise solution advanced by the Navajo Nation, whose lands are directly affected by the decision, whereas the Puebloan people are hundreds of miles away,” Sgamma told Fox News Digital.

This presents a massive conflict of interest for Deb Haaland.

Legal Insurrection reported:

When the history of the Biden administration is written, it will be exceedingly difficult to determine which of his appointments have been most destructive to this nation.

One of the leading contenders must be Biden’s Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland. The last time we checked in on her team of social-justice-focused, eco-activist-oriented bureaucrats, they walked back the required auctions for gas and oil leases necessary to this nation for its energy industry.

Now a significant conflict-of-interest issue has arisen as her daughter, Somah Haaland, is lobbying federal lawmakers to support a moratorium on oil and gas leasing near a historical site in New Mexico.

The GOP needs to look into this!

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