
89-Year-Old Gets Evicted Then Neighbor Hands Her Something Leaving Her In Tears (Video)

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For the past 35 years, Angie Tyma, 89, has lived in the same house in Hudson, Florida. Angie had been a fixture of the neighborhood – she was known and loved by everyone. Then, out of the blue, she was evicted from her home, and her belongings were forcibly removed!

Several years ago, Angie had sold her house, but the person she sold it to lived in Europe, so, Angie was paying rent to live there.

The buyer had stopped paying the mortgage on the house, which Angie didn’t know. Eventually, the house went into foreclosure and Angie got an eviction notice.

Angie didn’t really think she would be kicked out of the house, but she was! One of Angie’s neighbors, Danielle Calder, saw Angie’s home up for sale at an auction.

Wouldn’t you know it, Danielle bought the house for $167,000 and told Angie to move back in!

When asked why she did it, Danielle said she couldn’t imagine Angie having to move into a hotel, Angie was the “fabric” of the neighborhood and all the neighbors looked out for her!

Last week, on her 89th birthday, Angie moved back into her home thanks to the love and respect of a kind-hearted neighbor!

Danielle said she didn’t really need another house, but she made sure Angie was taken care of!

Can you imagine buying a house for another person to live in?

Talk about love. Angie said this year, she got the best birthday present ever – her home! Share away, people!

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