
4th Grader Goes To Bank, Tells Clerk To Empty His Savings So He Can Shop For The Homeless (Video)

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Nine-year-old Nathan Simons can often be found watching videos on YouTube, much to the chagrin of his dad, Ethan. Nathan stumbled upon a video that opened Ethan’s eyes to a whole new side of his son.

Nathan found himself glued to the computer screen as he watched a clip showing various YouTube personalities donating lots of money to homeless shelters across the country.

Later that day, Nathan approached his dad and said he wanted to do something for the homeless people in his community, too.

Not only that, but this amazing fourth grader wanted to clean out his savings account and put all the money toward his efforts.

At first, Ethan was reluctant and unsure if Nathan even realized the extent of his plan. But then he thought, “What kind of lesson am I teaching him if I tell him, ‘No, you shouldn’t be selfless.'”

After calling up the local homeless shelters, Nathan put together a list of all the items he wanted to buy using the money that had been socked away in his savings.

In the clip, watch as Nathan and his dad go to their local bank to make a very special withdrawal — and then off to Walmart they go.

This kid deserves all the recognition he gets!

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