You Are a Traitor’: Elon Musk Blasts U.S. Senator and War Hero Over Ukraine Support in Fiery Clash

Elon Musk sparked controversy on Monday after calling Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) a “traitor” for his recent visit to Ukraine. The Tesla billionaire’s comment came in response to Kelly’s detailed Twitter thread about his trip, where the senator emphasized the importance of continued U.S. support for Ukraine in its war against Russia.
Kelly, a former astronaut and decorated Navy captain, shared his experiences from Ukraine, highlighting the resilience of the Ukrainian people and the atrocities committed by Russian forces. He wrote, “Just left Ukraine. What I saw proved to me we can’t give up on the Ukrainian people. Everyone wants this war to end, but any agreement has to protect Ukraine’s security and can’t be a giveaway to Putin.”
Musk, a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, responded bluntly: “You are a traitor.” Kelly fired back, defending his stance on supporting Ukraine and criticizing Musk’s understanding of American values. “Elon, if you don’t understand that defending freedom is a basic tenet of what makes America great and keeps us safe, maybe you should leave it to those of us who do,” Kelly retorted.
In his thread, Kelly debunked claims made by Trump and others about the war, emphasizing the need for continued military aid to Ukraine. He described visiting a hospital in Kyiv, where he heard harrowing accounts of Russian war crimes, including the rape and murder of children. Kelly also criticized Trump’s decision to pause military aid, arguing that it weakened Ukraine’s position in ceasefire negotiations and emboldened Russia.
“Donald Trump is trying to weaken Ukraine’s hand, and we are owed an explanation,” Kelly wrote. “If Putin gains ground, he won’t agree to a ceasefire and will eventually threaten a NATO ally, putting American troops and the American people at risk.”
Musk’s attack on Kelly reflects his broader skepticism of U.S. involvement in Ukraine, a position that aligns with Trump’s approach. The billionaire has previously criticized American support for Ukraine, arguing that it escalates tensions with Russia. His comment drew widespread backlash, with many accusing him of undermining efforts to support a democratic ally under siege.
The exchange highlights the deep divisions in U.S. politics over the war in Ukraine. While Kelly and many Democrats advocate for robust support for Ukraine, figures like Musk and Trump have pushed for a more isolationist approach. As the conflict continues, the debate over America’s role in supporting Ukraine remains a contentious issue, with significant implications for global security and U.S. foreign policy.