“It’s a Giant State and There’s a Lot of Money” – Joe Biden When Asked About His Trip to Kentucky to Celebrate Infrastructure Bill with McConnell (VIDEO)

Joe Biden and his family of grifters departed St. Croix en route to the White House on Monday afternoon.
Biden arrived to the White House on Monday and stopped to chat with reporters posted up on the South Lawn.
A reporter asked Joe Biden about his plans to celebrate his infrastructure bill with McConnell in Kentucky on Wednesday.
McConnell is set to host Joe Biden in Kentucky on Wednesday at a “bipartisan” celebration of Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed in 2021 with help from McConnell.
This is after McConnell screwed over the incoming GOP House majority by denying them the chance to control federal spending this year by negotiating the $1.7 trillion Omnibus bill.
“Why is it important to go with Mitch McConnell to Kentucky?” a reporter asked Biden.
“It’s his state,” Biden said.
“Why is it significant to be with McConnell there?” the reporter queried.
“We’ve been friends a long time… It’s a giant state and there’s a lot of money,” Biden said.