
President Trump Releases Truth Indicating He Might Like Negotiating with Corrupt Biden Admin as Speaker of the House

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Yesterday, President Trump was voted for as Speaker of the House. A few hours later he was nominated for Speaker. TGP received information from a source that he would take on the role if offered. It looks like President Trump might be interested in the role as well.

President Trump was voted for as Speaker of the House in the 7th vote for Speaker yesterday.

Steve Bannon on the War Room argued that President Trump would be the best person to be Speaker against this corrupt machine in DC. We learned from our reliable source that the President would accept the position if offered.

In the 11th vote, President Trump was nominated for Speaker. Of course, President Trump would be light years better than Kevin McCarthy

Last night, President Trump released a picture indicating that he might have fun in the Speaker role when dealing with the corrupt and criminal regime that took power from an uncertifiable and therefore stolen election in 2020.

President Trump released the following picture on Truth.

President Trump would make the criminals in the White House wish they never stole the 2020 Election.

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