
UNBELIEVABLE: Rep. Don Bacon Willing to Bargain and Give in to Democrats Just to Put McCarthy In as Speaker of the House (VIDEO)

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“Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures”

Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE 2nd District) is ready to give in and work with Democrats if it means installing McCarthy as Speaker of the House.

Bacon has been suggesting since Monday that he would cooperate with Democrats to find an alternative to prevent Congress from being gridlocked.

“If we have total gridlock, I’m going to work with like-minded people across the aisle to find someone agreeable for speaker,” Bacon said. “We have to govern. We can’t afford to let our country be stuck in neutral.”

On Wednesday, Bacon revealed that “preliminary talks” with Democrats had begun regarding backing a “consensus candidate” for Speaker.

“There are preliminary talks, but we don’t want to go too fast on this because that then highjacks what Kevin is trying to do, and we want to support Kevin, he’s worked hard to get this,” Bacon told CNN.

On Thursday, Bacon joined Sandra Smith and John Roberts on America Reports on the Fox News Channel.

Bacon told Roberts that part of the negotiation with Democrats is to change the committee ratios to a two-seat majority instead of four in all committees.

“A lot of news with this idea of potential support from Democrats and what that would look like. You’re talking about sharing committees here,” John Roberts asked.

“You can adjust ratios, this will be part of the discussions. This is what I am advocating, and others are as well, not just me,” Bacon said.

“If these 20 refuse to be part of the team and don’t come on board, we have no other choice but to go across the aisle and start negotiating. And there are a lot of things you can negotiate. Committee ratios is a big one because ordinarily, you get like a four-seat majority and a tight House like this, maybe we get it to the two-seat majority instead of four in all these committees,” he continued.

There may be things we can negotiate on subpoenas. There’s also on rules like how to do motions to recommit. There’s a lot of things that we could look at to see if we could come up with a more bipartisan House.”

Watch the video below:

People got to tell their congressman, if they’re one of those 20, that the House is shut down. We’re not working on the issues that we campaigned on, like lowering inflation, securing the border, supporting our law enforcement, and standing up to China. None of this is happening. All our committees are now shut down, and it’s on these 20 people. They’re embarrassing the house. They’re embarrassing the Republicans. They’re embarrassing our country,” Bacon said.

Watch the video below:

Kevin McCarthy has now lost the speakership for three consecutive days. McCarthy has not reached the 218 thresholds after three days of voting.

This was despite the fact that President Trump, the elites, and the mainstream media endorsed Kevin McCarthy and urged Republicans to vote for McCarthy.

Twenty GOP members are standing up for “We the People” and refusing to vote for McCarthy.

“There are only two outcomes here, either Kevin McCarthy withdraws from the Speaker’s race, or he has to wake up every morning and put on the world’s best constructive straitjacket before the beginning of every House session,” Rep. Gaetz wrote on his Twitter.

“A deal is NOT done. When confidences are betrayed and leaks are directed, it’s even more difficult to trust. Totally unsat. I will not yield to the status quo,” Rep. Perry said.

“We’re at a Reagan moment — “trust but verify.” The devil is in the details, and we’ll take our time to ensure it’s right, not easy. One way or another, the status quo must go,” he added.

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