
FBI Agent Robert Cessario Who Destroyed Computer Evidence Against Trump-Supporting Lawmaker Gets 3 Years Probation – While GOP Lawmaker Rots in Prison for 18 Years

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Former FBI Agent Robert Cessario was sentenced on Thursday for committing a federal felony. Cessario was given an incredibly lenient one year of probation for destroying evidence in a political trial involving former pro-Trump Arkansas State Senator Jon Woods.

Jon Woods remains in prison even though the government has admitted destroying evidence in his trial that might have been vital to his defense.

FBI Agent Cessario admitted to just one count of Obstruction of Justice, and received an incredibly lenient sentence despite on-site protesters agitating against this injustice.

People close to Woods are saying that the Justice Department is just protecting its own in order to cover up the evidence that would prove former Arkansas State Senator Jon Woods is innocent.

Woods, a Trump supporter, was convicted of a convoluted and complicated scheme involving the transfer of state funds to support a local college and community college. Even though Woods had no direct involvement in the transfer, prosecutors say he received non-monetary kickbacks and was later given a paid consulting contract. The government put on a 19 day trial where they pressured Woods’ colleagues to say anything to indict the conservative pro-Trump legislator.

As reported earlier, the conviction was obtained using undercover microphones, many files of which were never turned over to the defense. When the defense asked for them, the Court ordered them produced. Which is when FBI Agent Cessario destroyed them, twice! When they looked on the computer that had the files before Cessario, it, too, was ‘wiped by accident.’ And when the original recordings were sought from the recording devices, they disappeared.

Jon Woods claims that destroyed evidence would have proven his innocence and shown the heavy-handed tactics the government used in order to get cooperating defendants to lie to convict him.

In court even the Biden-appointed attorneys were forced to admit that corrupt FBI Agent Robert Cessario’s excuses were “not credible.”

On Thursday FBI Agent Robert Cessario was sentenced to three years of probation.

4019TV reported:

He was ordered to spend the first six months of his probation confined to his home. He will not be allowed to leave without the permission of the probation and parole office.

Cessario was also ordered to pay a $25,000 fine.

Cessario had pleaded guilty in August 2022 to a count of corrupt destruction of record in an official proceeding.

Cessario was one of the special agents who investigated the case against former State Sen. Jon Woods. Woods is currently in prison after being convicted on 15 corruption-related charges. Woods was sentenced to 18 years and four months in federal prison.

According to court records filed by the government, Cessario was ordered to submit his laptop computer for a forensic examination after certain interviews with witnesses were called into question.

According to the plea agreement, Cessario admitted that in December 2017, he took the computer to a commercial business and paid for it to be “wiped” to completely erase the contents of the hard drive that contained the recordings and that he performed another procedure a few days later before he submitted the computer for forensic examination.

The Woods Family released this statement following the ruling on Thursday.

“Although it was not served, we are thankful that justice was sought yesterday. Look no further than the sentence that was given to former Agent Robert Cessario, and you will clearly see that destroying evidence in a federal case to convict a pro-Trump supporter, now comes with a Netflix subscription and a pat on the back. Our family and friends will continue to seek the justice this Nation once fought to protect.”

Jon Woods was the only politician in Arkansas at the time who publicly supported Donald Trump. So the FBI set him up and destroyed the evidence against him.

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