
This Girl Has Been Dead For A Century But Every Night, She Does Something Shocking- Terrifying Storying

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Different people find different things fascinating some believe in the Supernatural and others find it a bit scary there’s a story about a beautiful little girl from Sicily who has been dead for a century but every night she does something shocking lying in the Capuchin catacombs of Palermo between deceased monks and other dead people of certain social status is a little girl with beautiful features and flowing blonde hair and as she lies there sleeping peacefully you may wonder why people from all over the world travel the distance to come to see her.

But what makes Rosalia Lombardo any different from other girls her age the karakum in which rosalia’s body has been laid to rest is one of the many tombs that are carved up from Limestone giving them the structure and conditions ideal for burial especially a century ago when people did not have access to Modern cooling systems to preserve bodies this became the burial place of various monks.

when the monastery ran out of burial space initially the catacombs became the final resting place of 45 dead monks they were placed in an upright position but soon it was discovered that these bodies did not decompose as was expected the combination of environmental conditions all worked together to preserve the bodies and slow down or stop the normal decomposition process .

There were two schools of thought that emerged from this natural embalming taking place in the specific catacomb the scientifically minded attributed the preservation to the environmental conditions while the monks being more spiritually minded describe that as a miracle they wanted to share this phenomenon with others and started to allow people to visit the catacombs and view the deceased monks very soon this became a very desirable place to be buried affluent people were willing to pay large amounts of money for this to be their final resting place by 1880 no more bodies were accepted into the facility for burial.

However people were still allowed to visit the site and experience the miracle for the mummified monks for every roommate there are exceptions Capuchin katakums made two exceptions in 1911 the American Vice Council Giovanni pataniti was buried here the second one was a little girl called Rosalia Lombardo buried here in 1920. what was so special about this girl? you may very well ask there are very few facts about Rosalia many of the stories are more based on Legend than fact she was born in 1918 but the sands of time have wiped away and hidden the true identity of her parents.

there is no official documentation to be found but the speculation and Legend have it that her father was Mario Lombardo a wealthy Sicilian Noble but also a general in the Italian military and His World filled with death and destruction the birth of a daughter must have lifted his spirits and given him hope Rosalia was a very beautiful little girl but she was born frail and weak she suffered in pain for the short two years she existed on this Earth before her premature death of the age of two not only did the father see the suffering but now had to bury his only child and that was too much for him.

There was no photograph of the girl to remember her by Mario couldn’t just stand by and let life take its normal course most people that are confronted with the death of a child would be grief-stricken and mourned the loss but then laid a child to rest Mario Lombardo could simply not get himself to bury his child and never again see her beautiful face the solution he chose was somewhat unorthodox in his heartbroken State he resorted to something unusual with the help of the local embalmer Alfredo salafia.

They decided to preserve rosalia’s tiny body for eternity with his skill he made a glass coffin for Rosalia and lined it out with a silk blanket carefully styling her blonde hair hair to naturally flow down her cheeks the picture of peace and innocence was sealed with a silk bow tied firmly around her head as she lay there it was no wonder people refer to this girl as the girl in the glass coffin or Sleeping Beauty the level of preservation of this girl’s body almost prevents us from calling it a mummy if it was not for the oxidation of the Amulet of the Virgin Mary laying on the top of the blanket one could have been fooled not to acknowledge that a century had passed since this girl’s death therefore other titles given to this girl are the world’s most beautiful mummy or the best preserved mummy in the world.

how is it possible that this embalming process was of such high quality that the girl looks almost alive Alfredo salafia had a secret formula and did not share the information with others but he kept some notes on his embalming process many years later scientists had to investigate the secret because of its tremendous impact and embalming results in 2009 a biological Anthropologist named Dario pionbino mascali was able to track down the Eternal formula through salafia’s living descendants a combination of formalin salt zinc alcohol silicic acid and glycerin was used in the embalming process how did that combination work in the first?.

place the use of alcohol coupled with the climate conditions in the catacombs help the dry rosalia’s body salicylic acid prevented the growth of mold while glycerin allowed the body to mummify In The End by adding zinc the body became rigid essentially turning it into a type of wax at the time of his death in 1933.

Alfredo was credited with embalming at least 100 bodies but the best of his Works was that of Rosalia as a matter of fact that is what probably ensured that his name was recorded in history because this is such a unique mummification of a body some Skeptics try to discredit the authenticity of the body claiming that it was indeed a wax sculpture developed for tourism purposes extensive scientific testing has since proven that this is the real body of Rosalia preserved with her internal organs still intact .

the authentication process was undertaken by National Geographic in 2009 a highly credible source during the entire research project one rule was kept intact no one was allowed to open the coffin or disturb the body only scans and x-rays were used to examine the mummy the lid of the coffin was removed to simplify the viewing of rosalia’s preserved body people continue to have a fascination with death in Sicilian culture mummification has been used to express the constant relationship between life and death with Rosalia the fascination is enhanced by her innocence clearly captured in her facial expressions she was and still as beautiful as she lies there looking like she could be woken from her sleep at any moment.

Rosalia has also become an inspiration to many artists trying to capture her beauty playing their role in keeping her alive in the best way they know how one artist even painted her as a teenager as she seems so alive yet without breath the thousands of tourists that visit the Capuchin catacombs of Sicily also play a major role in keeping the legend and the story alive maybe there could be something else that draws them to visit this site Rosalia is seemingly more than a mummified corpse Legend has it that those Wizarding the little girl will not only be seeing the almost perfect embalming of her body.

but they would experience something out of this world as the little girl lies there a new Step Closer she might open her eyes just slightly to see who is Wizarding in plain sight you will see her perfectly intact blue eyes when her eyelids move about 1 8 of an inch photographers have captured these moments that happened several times a day are you a little freaked out at this point yet again there are two camps on this strange phenomenon some people think of this in a spiritual manner.

they firmly believe that this is the spirit of Rosalia returning to her body others that are more skeptical or scientifically minded attribute the opening of the eyes to the changes in the room temperature the curator has his own take on things and simply explains it as an optical illusion what do you think about this story do you believe that there’s a paranormal activity going on or do you lean more towards a scientific explanation whatever your take is on the Capuchin catacombs of Sicily this is surely fascinating and interesting and we would love to hear your comments on this story

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