
‘I knew my marriage was over when my husband was told I hadn’t shown up for work and he didn’t care enough to call me’

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A distressed woman has taken to online forum Mumsnet to explain why she feels her marriage is over – but her reason has split opinion down the middle. The platform, normally used by mothers, is designed to help those in sensitive situations seek advice about parenting or relationships.

signed to help those in sensitive situations seek advice about parenting or relationships.

User MadScottishBurd uploaded her post earlier this week (January 10) and asked others on the forum: “When did they knew their marriage was over?”

During an emotional introduction she described her partner as “hardworking and loyal” but went on to reveal she can’t forgive him for a comment he made. The mum wrote: “I cant stop thinking about something he said to me, and at that moment, I knew it was it, that I wanted more.”

During the snowy weather that took place just before Christmas last month, the user explained she was late for a work meeting. The other party, trying to find out where she could be, accidentally dialled her emergency contact number – “soon to be ex husband”, by mistake.

MadScottishBurd revealed what happened next: “When I was home, and after we had our dinner and was watching TV, it popped in my head.. I asked ‘my work said they called you today, why haven’t you said anything’.

“Him: ‘Oh, I forgot about that, something about you didn’t turn up’. Me: ‘yeah, but why didn’t you try contacting me to make sure I was alright, I could have been in an accident’. Him ‘I was busy at work, they were going to contact you’.”

The mum then went on to quiz her husband about why he wasn’t concerned and said: “What if I had been in an accident, wouldn’t you feel guilty??”

To which he replied: “I’m sure the police would have contacted me, had you been in an accident.”

Obviously hurt by his lack of attentiveness, MadScottishBurd added: “I don’t think I have ever forgiven him for that comment. He wasn’t in a great place at the time however he did not care, not one little bit.”

However, others on Mumsnet weren’t convinced this warranted a break up. One user commented: “You sound like awfully high maintenance. Sorry but that is how I read it. What a fuss over something trivial.”

Another wrote: “You were only 20 minutes late!! I think I would have done the same as your husband. I assume you were harbouring some low level resentment up to that point?”

But others thought the original poster (OP) was in the right: “I’m surprised at the amount of people calling you high maintenance for this OP, if I had a call from my partners work saying that they hadn’t turned up I would be very worried!”

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