
Adam Schiff Says He’s Going to “Reserve Judgement” on Biden’s Classified Documents Scandal (VIDEO)

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What a hack.

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff on Sunday said he’s going to “reserve judgement” on Biden’s classified documents scandal.

Joe Biden STOLE classified documents when he was Obama’s Vice President and improperly stored the materials at his private office and Delaware home.

ABC’s “This Week” host Jon Karl pointed out that Biden’s lawyers found the first batch of classified documents on November 2 – just days before the midterms yet the public didn’t find out until two months later.

Biden never announced the documents were found at his office and home.

The scandal was leaked to CBS News.

Jon Karl asked Schiff if Joe Biden should have been more forthcoming and revealed the information earlier.

“I’m gonna reserve judgement,” Schiff said as he immediately jumped to Biden’s defense and trashed Trump.

It doesn’t matter that Joe Biden’s lawyers contacted the National Archives right away.

As Vice President, Joe Biden didn’t have the authority to take the classified documents in the first place.

Biden never announced the documents were found at his office and home.

The scandal was leaked to CBS News.

Jon Karl asked Schiff if Joe Biden should have been more forthcoming and revealed the information earlier.

“I’m gonna reserve judgement,” Schiff said as he immediately jumped to Biden’s defense and trashed Trump.

It doesn’t matter that Joe Biden’s lawyers contacted the National Archives right away.

As Vice President, Joe Biden didn’t have the authority to take the classified documents in the first place.

Furthermore, the materials stored top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” (SCIF) designation at Penn Biden Center in DC.

Thankfully Speaker McCarthy will be removing Schiff from the House Intel Committee.


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