
President Trump hits on Biden classified docs, Obama administration: ‘We’re like investigation Central In This Country

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President Donald Trump took a moment to respond to the rapidly developing scandal surrounding Joe Biden’s reported mishandling of classified material during a chat with David Brody on “The Water Cooler.”

Brody asked the president if Biden should be prosecuted for his alleged mishandling of the documents and whether the entire situation was a “cover-up.”

“Well, I don’t want to get into that, but obviously it’s a cover-up…we have a much different situation,” Trump responded. Referring to the differences in the situation of classified documents in Biden’s possession versus allegedly classified documents that were kept at Mar-a-Lago, Trump pointed out: “I was president, I had the right to declassify as president…he’s [Biden] under a very tough constraint…under the Federal Records Act, which is a much tougher situation.”

Trump further said that Mar-a-Lago, unlike Biden’s garage, was a highly secure, “armed fortress” with “Secret Service there at all times.”

As previously reported by RSBN, Trump explained recently on Truth Social that Mar-a-Lago was once built with the idea of being the “Southern White House.” He also pointed out that the Palm Beach property had a “strong structural setting” and that he has “security and Secret Service is there full time. Compare that to a flimsy garage, with NO SECURITY, & papers strewn all over the floor.”

The president also brought up former President Barack Obama and his potential role in the scandal of Joe Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents. “It brings Obama into the picture as you can imagine,” Trump remarked.

The documents that Joe Biden would have taken with him after his time as vice president, Trump said, would have been from the Obama administration, “and now I guess they’re getting him involved.”

He also joked that it would be nice if all the investigations into his own handling of classified documents ended. “We’re like investigation central in this country,” he quipped

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