
Step-Dad Catches Son Sneaking A Girl Out Of The House, Now The Boy Would Be Left In Stun Because No Way Out

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Many of us have been there. We want to stay with our friend, but we live with our parents and know they would never let it happen. What’s life without breaking a few harmless rules along the way, right?

Tricky D has been using social media for a while and has built up quite the online following, but it wasn’t long before hundreds of people from across the world found themselves caught up in the action.

They all wanted to see what his step-son had up his sleeve.

The best bit? Tricky-D was sneaking around the house just as his step-son and his friend were trying to do the exact same thing. Tricky’s first clue was a pair of white sneakers that had been left by the door. The sneakers could have been enough to give the whole gig away.

Living with the same people under one roof means that it’s usually not long before you start to pick up on people’s habits.

The white sneakers were the only clue that Tricky D needed. He knew that no one would wear all-white shoes. So who did they belong to?

As if that wasn’t enough, Tricky D added that the shoes were in a strange place in the home. He said that there was a side door that was at the bottom of the stairs and attached to the kitchen. However, the sneakers were on the other side of the house. Tricky D started to upload the snaps to social media.

Ah, the weekend. The time of the week that most of us can kick back and relax. That is except for Trick D’s wife. Apparently, she uses every Saturday as a chance to clean the entire house from top to bottom whatever floats your boat.

However, this accidentally created the perfect opportunity for Tricky D’s step-son.

His wife had turned the music up all the way and was dancing around doing her chores. It was the ideal distraction for any youngsters to get out of the house. Tricky D knew that they needed to take their opportunity, and even snapped a photo of his wife to prove that she wasn’t paying attention.

Although Tricky D was enjoying watching the plan as it unfolded in front of his very eyes, it wasn’t long before people from across the internet started to leave comments.

Some believed that Tricky D should be helping his step-son rather than standing back and taking photos.

However, Tricky D had an answer. He confessed that his step-don was already 18 years old and that he knew the decision he’d made. Now, he needed to figure out his own way to get out of it. The escape plan was in full swing, but things soon got even more interesting for the young pair.

The two youngsters decided to take their opportunity and tried to sneak out of the bedroom. That was until Tricky D-s wife finished cleaning the bathroom.

Their chance was gone, and they would have to think of a new plan if they wanted to get away with their slumber party.

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