
Bus Driver Is Forced To Call 911 On A Little Boy After Looking At His Feet- Touching Story (Video)

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You would assume the duties and Encounters of a bus driver would be of the mundane variety but bus driver Tim Watson had an experience that derailed his usual routine when two unfamiliar passengers hopped on his bus something didn’t feel quite right to him.

He had a gut feeling that told him to pay attention to his surroundings, as this would be a work day here and the two passengers would never forget Northern California resident. Tim Watson may have posed as your typical bus driver but in the end he proved to be much more heroic than what his job title implies.

Tim’s got his regulars, the people he makes daily small talk with on his familiar vehicle some became his dear friends he was just a friendly guy with an ordinary job and he expected nothing more than to drive people where they needed to go. but on what seemed like just another day on the job Tim wins maneuvering his scheduled bus route when a young man and a child walked on the bus together Tim had never seen them before, but thought nothing of it at first, until the two sat down while keeping his eyes on the road.

Tim observed the similar odd behaviors of the two he assumed the man was in his mid-20s and noticed what he seemed strangely distracted but it was how he treated the kid that worried Tim they sat toward the middle of the automobile and the young man visibly attempted to restrain the Restless childhood. then started crying though he’d seen young kids cry on the bus on several occasions Tim felt something was off about this time.

While Tim quietly observed the little boy through his rear view mirror he saw blatant fear in the child’s eyes something not of a typical temper tantrum this was a dangerous situation.

Tim knew it in his gun as Tim’s bus drive continued so did his worry he couldn’t help but continue to look at the duo from his safe distance hoping the weirdness in it was all in his head, but nothing would reassure him as the ride went on the youngster wouldn’t stop crying and in response the man who seemed to become increasingly more anxious urged him to stay quiet and it wasn’t just that he noticed the passenger’s Behavior.

Watch the video below for complete details;

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